有鑒于三星(Samsung)搭載 Android 系統(tǒng)的智能手機在過去幾年來所展現(xiàn)的成就,你可能會認(rèn)為這家南韓公司應(yīng)該十分滿意現(xiàn)狀而不太可能會想“搞破壞”吧?那可不一定。
三星提供一系列廣泛且完整的智能手機產(chǎn)品,同時也是目前市場上唯一一家真正能與蘋果公司展開競爭的廠商。而今,這家在整個 Android 智能手機市場占約40%的手機業(yè)巨擘,正計劃推出基于“泰澤”(Tizen)系統(tǒng)的手機。
為了擺脫對于 Android 系統(tǒng)的依賴,三星與英特爾等公司在2011年開發(fā)出基于 Linux核心的移動操作系統(tǒng)── Tizen 。三星并計劃在今年八月推出首款搭載 Tizen 的高階智能手機,預(yù)計接下來還會推出更多 Tizen系統(tǒng)的手機。
根 據(jù)國際數(shù)據(jù)公司(IDC)的調(diào)查報告,2012年 Android 和蘋果 iOS已囊括90%以上的智能手機市場。然而,智能手機制造商希望市場上能出現(xiàn)更多的操作系統(tǒng)。原因之一在于目前市場上的Android 手機缺少差異化。而另一個理由則是Google和Android目前簡直是太強大了。
對于三星來說,著眼于 Tizen 系統(tǒng),可能只是為了配合該公司提供廣泛產(chǎn)品組合以吸引消費者的策略之一。市調(diào)公司Endpoint Technologies總裁Roger Kay認(rèn)為,三星目前就好象把自己定位為一家可為用戶喜好提供所有搭配與組合的“超級市場”。
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 少了WebOS,多了Firefox,手機界會不會不同?
• Facebook將推出定制智能手機,HTC成首家合作伙伴
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據(jù)Roger Kay表示,三星顯然想追隨蘋果公司的腳步,設(shè)法控制盡可能最多的智能手機。就像蘋果 iPhone 和 iPad 使用蘋果專用處理器一樣,三星也在其 Galaxy 智能手機中采用自家的 Exynos 處理器;不過在 Galaxy 4S 中卻多半采用高通的 Snapdragon 芯片組。
然而,三星目前不可能會為了支持 Tizen 而完全放棄 Android ,尤其是考慮到該公司現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)推出大量的 Android 手機了。根據(jù)ABI Research表示,部署于 Android 系統(tǒng)上的三星 TouchWiz 用戶界面也將復(fù)制到 Tizen 和其它 OS 平臺上,讓所有制造商的設(shè)計都能提供一致的用戶體驗。
對于三星而言,要完全放棄一款有助于其與蘋果正面對決的免費操作系統(tǒng),這的確不太容易。但Roger Kay認(rèn)為終究免不了會發(fā)生這樣的結(jié)局,“三星可能想與 Android 分道揚鑣而走出自己的路,而且不必再受制于 Google?!?
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
編譯:Susan Hong
參考英文原文:Samsung plans first Tizen-based handset this year,by Dylan McGrath
• 少了WebOS,多了Firefox,手機界會不會不同?
• Facebook將推出定制智能手機,HTC成首家合作伙伴
• 工信部打造自主OS,中國版Ubuntu“麒麟”4月發(fā)布d6eesmc
Samsung plans first Tizen-based handset this year
Dylan McGrath
Given Samsung's success with Android-based smartphones over the past couple of years, you might think the South Korean company wouldn't want to rock the boat. But that's not necessarily the case.
Samsung, which offers a broad portfolio of smartphone offerings, stands today as Apple's only real competition in the market. But now Samsung—which sells an estimated 40 percent of all Android smartphones—is making noise about offering phones based on Tizen, the Linux-based OS launched in 2011 to take on Android. Samsung has been a backer of Tizen from the get go.
Recently, the news service reported that Samsung plans to introduce the first Tizen-based handset, a high-end smarphone, later this. Speculation is that more on the way.
According to International Data Corp., Android and Apple's iOS accounted for more than 90 percent of the smartphone market last year. But smartphone makers would love to see more OSes gain traction. One reason is there is a perception about lack of differentiation in Android phones. Another reason is that Google and Android are simply too powerful right now.
For Samsung, banking on Tizen may simply be consistent with the company's strategy to offer a broad portfolio with a little bit of everything to entice consumers. "I think that right now Samsung sees itself as a supermarket that has all the mixes and matches that you might want," said Roger Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies Associates Inc.
According to Kay, it's clear that Samsung is following in the footsteps of Apple in trying to control as much of its smartphones as possible. Just as Apple's iPhones and iPads use Apple's proprietary processors, Samsung has its own Exynos processor used in many Galaxy smartphones, though the company is also using Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipset for most Galaxy S4s.
ABI Research believes it's unlikely that Samsung will ever abandon Android altogether in favor of Tizen, particularly in light of the large number of Android handsets the company currently offers. According to ABI, Samsung’s TouchWiz user interface, layered on top of Android, could be replicated on Tizen and other OS platforms to provide a consistent user experience across all the manufacturer’s designs.
Indeed, it's difficult to see Samsung ditching altogether a free OS that has helped it go head to head with Apple. But Kay believes it could eventually come to that. "Samsung might want to fork Android and go its own direction and not have Google looking over its shoulder," he said.