國際電子商情訊,微軟近日公布了四家Windows RT合作廠商名單,公布的首批Windows RT合作廠商名單中,戴爾、聯(lián)想、三星和華碩等四家廠商上榜。其中惠普、東芝、索尼、富士通和宏碁都在名單上缺席了,今天日本知名的電子產(chǎn)品制造商東芝對此事做出了回應,原本生產(chǎn)基于微軟最新操作系統(tǒng)Windows RT平板電腦的計劃,由于部分配件廠商的延誤不得不取消。
東芝美國發(fā)言人Eric Paulsen表示,東芝決定取消基于Windows RT系統(tǒng)平板的生產(chǎn),原因是某些器件延誤,致使東芝幾乎不可能按時發(fā)布,公司將專注于生產(chǎn)采用Windows 8操作系統(tǒng)的臺式機和筆記本,東芝會繼續(xù)研究在未來推出Windows RT產(chǎn)品的可行性,但一切會視具體市場條件而定。
其實東芝早在 6 月初的Computex大展就展示過搭載 Windows RT 的相關原型機,不過最終還是取消了生產(chǎn)計劃。東芝原本計劃生產(chǎn)基于ARM架構(gòu)的Windows 8平板,該平板采用德州儀器的處理器,但是目前并不清楚是否是因為處理器還是其他器件的問題,導致東芝最終放棄了原先生產(chǎn)Windows RT平板的決定。
此前,微軟已證實,戴爾、三星和聯(lián)想都會生產(chǎn)搭載Windows RT操作系統(tǒng)的電腦。另一家PC廠商華碩,也已經(jīng)發(fā)布了基于Windows RT的Tablet 600。加上微軟自主品牌的Surface平板,東芝決定放棄Windows RT市場也許是個明智之舉。
這可能意味著平板中引入Windows 8系統(tǒng)會變得更緩慢,正如另外一家公司,宏碁也表達了對微軟Surface平板的懷疑。但是還是有很多公司,例如三星、華碩和聯(lián)想,還是有研發(fā)Windows平板平板的計劃。Windows RT的征途是否是平坦的還是崎嶇的,讓我們拭目以待吧。
編譯:Luffy Liu
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
參考英文原文:Toshiba cancels ARM-based computer
• Canalys:平板電腦帶動第二季整體PC出貨增長
• 移動設備之間的“混血”會不會成為趨勢?
• 2012年移動裝置:Apple、Google、Microsoft三足鼎立之勢成矣fIiesmc
Toshiba cancels ARM-based computer
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Toshiba Corp. has cancelled plans to sell computers that run the Windows RT operating system from Microsoft Corp. and that are based on an ARM-based processor, due to delays in getting adequate supplies of components, according to reports.
Toshiba was planning to use OMAP processors form Texas Instruments Inc. (Dallas, Texas) in the design and in June TI had produced a video showing off Windows RT running on a Toshiba tablet.
Because of poor chip supply Toshiba will now focus on making machines running the alternative Microsoft operating system called Windows 8, which runs only on x86 processors, which come from Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
Toshiba did not say which components are in so short supply as to force the cancelling of its Windows RT product, but many leading chip companies are either fabless, or have gone fab-lite, meaning that they are all dependent on foundries for their leading-edge 28-nm silicon. In particular, most are dependent on the leading foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Hsinchu, Taiwan). There has been much discussion of low yields and shortages of supply of 28-nm silicon during this year.
"Toshiba has decided not to introduce Windows RT models due to delayed components that would make a timely launch impossible," Quoted Eric Paulsen, a U.S.-based spokesman, as saying in an emailed statement. "For the time being, Toshiba will focus on bringing Windows 8 products to market. We will continue to look into the possibility of Windows RT products in the future while monitoring market conditions,"
Microsoft reportedly had restricted the number of companies and chip makers who would work on the initial release of Windows RT computers and tablets. Nvidia Corp. has been working with Asustek Computer Inc. and Lenovo Group Ltd. while Qualcomm Inc. is chartered with supplying Dell Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
Executives with both Nvidia and Qualcomm have spoken out about their inability to get enough 28-nm chips from TSMC and that the undersupply was expected to last through until the fourth quarter of 2012. Texas Instruments gave a weak outlook for 3Q12 in discussing the most recent financial results.