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在日前于美國加州舉行的MEMS開發(fā)者大會(huì),高通生命公司(Qualcomm Life Inc.)全球策略與市場開發(fā)副總裁Donald Jones指出,透過手機(jī)應(yīng)用程序(app)進(jìn)行監(jiān)控的可穿戴式醫(yī)療傳感器(包括像Band-Aid的拋棄式智能貼片)出現(xiàn),正象征著大型傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)療設(shè)備步入終結(jié)的時(shí)代開始。

在日前于美國加州舉行的MEMS開發(fā)者大會(huì)(MEMS Executive Congress),高通生命公司(Qualcomm Life Inc.)全球策略與市場開發(fā)副總裁Donald Jones指出,透過手機(jī)應(yīng)用程序(app)進(jìn)行監(jiān)控的可穿戴式醫(yī)療傳感器(包括像Band-Aid的拋棄式智能貼片)出現(xiàn),正象征著大型傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)療設(shè)備步入終結(jié)的時(shí)代開始。 Jones說:“我們開始看到醫(yī)療設(shè)備正逐漸消失中,機(jī)器本身將不復(fù)存在?!? Donald Jones在一場題為“移動(dòng)設(shè)備與健康/健身的未來”(Mobile and the Future of Health and Wellness)的主題演講中指出,未來將出現(xiàn)數(shù)十種可將智能型手機(jī)與平板電腦轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)獒t(yī)療診斷工具的穿戴式配件與儀控貼片,更多的相關(guān)產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用也正開發(fā) 中。他預(yù)測,到2017年時(shí),針對醫(yī)療保健與健身的可穿戴式傳感器每年將超過1.7億只。 高通生命公司致力于結(jié)合涵蓋醫(yī)療診斷與治療領(lǐng)域的所有穿戴設(shè)備合作伙伴,共同支持整個(gè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。Jones說:“高通生命公司致力于開發(fā)病患可用的醫(yī)療設(shè)備。而目前也已經(jīng)有足夠的醫(yī)療電子配件讓你能透過智能手機(jī)來進(jìn)行一個(gè)完整的身體健康檢查?!?

《國際電子商情》無論病患在哪里,Sotera Wireless公司的Visi Mobile平臺(tái)都能為其進(jìn)行一家醫(yī)院中所有的監(jiān)測功能
無論病患在哪里,Sotera Wireless公司的Visi Mobile平臺(tái)都能為其進(jìn)行一家醫(yī)院中所有的監(jiān)測功能

本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 第2頁:打造移動(dòng)醫(yī)療檢驗(yàn)中心,能讓病患變成自己的醫(yī)生 第3頁:病人可通過App尋求合格的??漆t(yī)師


{pagination} 高通公司并提供1千萬美元贊助在Qualcomm Tricorder X-Prize競賽中勝出的Star Trekmedical掃描儀開發(fā),它可用于執(zhí)行實(shí)時(shí)的醫(yī)療診斷。世界各地的幾十支團(tuán)隊(duì)正致力于開發(fā)出一款可診斷15種疾病以及記錄與傳送重要健康數(shù)據(jù)的手持設(shè)備。Jones以位于 NASA-Ames Research Park的Scanadu公司為例表示,該公司已開發(fā)出首款可測量血氧濃度、心雷圖、壓力、心率、體溫、脈搏波傳導(dǎo)時(shí)間等多種健康指針的三度儀(tricorder)。 Jones說:“經(jīng)由為病患打造一個(gè)移動(dòng)醫(yī)療檢驗(yàn)中心,我們能讓病患變成自己的醫(yī)生,” 高通生命公司并致力于提供一種新的醫(yī)療檢測架構(gòu)── HealthyCircles ,將移動(dòng)醫(yī)療測量設(shè)備連接至云端,并進(jìn)行多變量分析。HealthyCircles計(jì)劃提供一種軟件即服務(wù)的模式,透過一種整合、可存取的互通性系統(tǒng),讓 醫(yī)療保健專業(yè)人員、照護(hù)人員及其系統(tǒng)得以和病患及其家庭連接在一起,在遠(yuǎn)程進(jìn)行監(jiān)控以及管理用藥與進(jìn)食等。

《國際電子商情》Dexcom G4血糖監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)可持續(xù)提供血糖值讀數(shù)。
Dexcom G4血糖監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)可持續(xù)提供血糖值讀數(shù)。

本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 第3頁:病人可通過App尋求合格的專科醫(yī)師


{pagination} Jones 列舉了在這一領(lǐng)域的其它趨勢。在醫(yī)生開處方的應(yīng)用方面,醫(yī)生開始建議病患可下載應(yīng)用程序(如用于運(yùn)動(dòng)和減輕壓力等app)在家中使用。而在app提供就診建議方面,應(yīng)用程序可先進(jìn)行初步診斷,然后針對病因建議病患尋求合格的專科醫(yī)師。然后,病人可以使用像ZocDoc這一類的app搜尋相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)醫(yī)師,并直接預(yù)約看診時(shí)間。

《國際電子商情》iRhythm推出的Zio XT貼片可連續(xù)14天記錄心律,以確認(rèn)是否有心律不整的現(xiàn)象。
iRhythm推出的Zio XT貼片可連續(xù)14天記錄心律,以確認(rèn)是否有心律不整的現(xiàn)象。

最后,Jones說,如同Googles Helpouts的線上服務(wù)很快地將可提供直接與醫(yī)護(hù)人員進(jìn)行線上對談的視訊服務(wù),讓病患能舒服地坐在家中的搖椅上接受醫(yī)師的診斷與治療。 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 編譯:Susan Hong 參考英文原文:Qualcomm's Tricorder X-Prize: Mobile Redefining Medicine,by R. Colin Johnson


{pagination} Qualcomm's Tricorder X-Prize: Mobile Redefining Medicine R. Colin Johnson PORTLAND, Ore. — Wearable medical sensors monitored with an app -- including disposable smart patches applied like a Band-Aid -- mark the beginning of the end for bulky, traditional medical instruments, Donald Jones, vice president of global strategy and market development at Qualcomm Life Inc., said at last week's MEMS Executive Congress in Napa, Calif. "We are starting to see the disappearance of the medical device," Jones said. "The machine itself will be gone." In his presentation, "Mobile and the Future of Health and Wellness," he described dozens of wearable accessories and instrumented patches that turn smartphones and tablets into medical diagnostic tools, with more on the way. He predicted that, by 2017, wearable sensors for health and wellness will surpass 170 million units per year. Qualcomm Life is supporting the effort by putting together a ecosystem of partners covering all aspects of wearables for medical diagnosis and treatment. "At Qualcomm Life, we are committed to medical devices for patients to use. There are already enough accessories that you can do a complete physical exam with a smartphone." Sotera Wireless' Visi Mobile performs all the monitoring functions of a hospital for patients, no matter where they are located. (Source: Sotera) Qualcomm is also sponsoring the Qualcomm Tricorder X-Prize -- with a $10 million purse -- modeled on the famous Star Trek medical scanner that performed instant medical diagnoses. Dozens of teams worldwide are working to create a handheld device that can diagnose 15 diseases and record and transmit key health metrics. Jones cited Scanadu, headquartered at the NASA-Ames Research Park, as one of the entrants offering the first serious tricorders measuring blood oxygen levels, electrocardiogram, stress, heart rate, body temperature, blood oxygen level, pulse wave transit time, and more. "By giving the patient a handheld lab, we are turning the patient into a doctor," he said. Qualcomm is also working to provide the infrastructure to connect mobile health measurement devices to the cloud for multi-variable analytics. Its HealthyCircles venture provides a software-as-a-service model that connects healthcare professionals, caregivers, and their systems to patients and their families in an integrated, accessible, and interoperable system that monitors and manages treatment regimes remotely. Dexcom G4 glucose monitoring system provides continuous readout of blood sugar levels. (Source: Dexcom) Jones cited other trends in this field. In "doctors prescribing apps," doctors have started advising their patients to download apps (for things like exercise and stress reduction) and use them at home. In "apps prescribing doctors," the app makes a preliminary diagnosis and then recommends the kind of specialist qualified to treat the malady. The patient can then use an app like ZocDoc to browse doctors with that speciality and book an appointment. The Zio XT patch from iRhythm continuously records heart rhythms for up to 14 days to identify arrhythmias. (Source: iRhythm) Finally, Jones said online services like Google's Helpouts will soon offer online video chats with healthcare professionals to help diagnose and treat maladies from the comfort of your easy chair.
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