日本各界試圖拯救瑞薩電子(Renesas Electronics)的舉動并不令人驚訝,一個明顯的措施就是維持讓瑞薩的芯片穩(wěn)定供應日本國內產(chǎn)品,特別是車廠豐田(Toyota)與日產(chǎn)(Nissan)的汽車。但令人驚訝的是,市場傳言瑞薩的新老板打算找一位海外來的管理高層領導這家公司。
瑞薩現(xiàn)在的最大股東是一個由日本官方與私人企業(yè)組成的聯(lián)盟 Innovation Network Corp. of Japan (INCJ);根據(jù)一份日前公布的協(xié)議,INCJ將支付1,380億日圓(約1.675億美元)收購69%的瑞薩股權。而其中有8家瑞薩的客戶,包括豐田、日產(chǎn)、Canon與松下(Panasonic),將共同出資約120億日圓(1,460萬美元),取得6%的瑞薩股權。
這意味著瑞薩原本的大股東──也就是NEC、日立(Hitachi)與三菱(Mitsubishi)──手中持股,將由90%減少至23%;這三家公司將各 自面臨虧損的芯片業(yè)務結合起來成立了瑞薩,但現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)沒興趣再持有多數(shù)股權。他們同意裁撤部分瑞薩員工,并提供貸款讓公司重組,不過顯然不會再做更多。

本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載
• 任天堂Wii U能否拯救瑞薩電子?
• 夏普瑞薩分獲數(shù)十億美元貸款,援手該不該伸?
• 東芝與瑞薩紓困之計:調整重組及擴大委外代工23cesmc
有些憤世嫉俗者也許會說,日本是想找個外國來的“代罪羔羊”,因為瑞薩還是可能會倒;要不然就是日本政府官員實在太天真,相信會有個像是拯救了日產(chǎn)的外籍首席執(zhí)行官Carlos Ghosn那樣的人,奇跡般地從國際芯片產(chǎn)業(yè)界冒出來、拯救瑞薩。
本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載
編譯:Judith Cheng
參考英文原文:Renesas eyes foreign CEO, nominations welcome,by Junko Yoshida
• 任天堂Wii U能否拯救瑞薩電子?
• 夏普瑞薩分獲數(shù)十億美元貸款,援手該不該伸?
• 東芝與瑞薩紓困之計:調整重組及擴大委外代工23cesmc
Renesas eyes foreign CEO, nominations welcome
Junko Yoshida
There’s nothing surprising about Japan Inc. bailing out Renesas. Rumors are now swirling about the desire for a foreign CEO. Who would you pick?
NEW YORK – There’s nothing surprising about Japan Inc. going out of its way to bail out Renesas Electronics. The obvious objective is to maintain a steady flow of Renesas chips into domestic products, especially Toyota and Nissan automobiles.
Surprising, however, are rumors that the new owners of Renesas are looking for a foreign executive to head up the company.
Under the deal announced Monday (Dec. 10), the Innovation Network Corp. of Japan (INCJ), a public-private partnership, will pay 138 billion yen ($1,675 million) to acquire a 69 percent stake in Renesas. Eight major Renesas customers, including Toyota, Nissan, Canon and Panasonic, will pay almost 12 billion yen ($146 million) for a 6 percent stake.
That means the chip maker's former majority shareholders – NEC, Hitachi and Mitsubishi – will see their share drop from 90 to 23 percent. The trio joined forces to form Renesas by combining their loss-making chip operations, but are showing no interest in a majority stake in Renesas. The three companies agreed to accept some laid-off Renesas employees, and to provide loans for restructuring. But it’s clear. They aren’t committed to doing anything beyond that.
(Source: Nikkei.com)
Why a foreign CEO?
Nikkei, Japan’s economic journal, quoted an unnamed senior INCJ official, as saying it is looking for "a foreign executive, well-versed in the semiconductor industry to serve as the new CEO of Renesas." INCJ is also seeking a leader "with a shining track record in managing a global semiconductor maker who can reinvent the firm."
That's a tall order.
All in the family?
On one hand, Japan wants to keep this affair in the family by using government money and funding from domestic customers and investors, thus shutting out a potential foreign buyer. On the other hand, Japan wants a non-Japanese CEO to pull off a miracle.
Cynics might say that Japan is already looking to hire a “foreign” scapegoat, in case Renesas collapses. Either that, or Japanese officials may be na?ve enough to believe that someone like Carlos Ghosn, who saved troubled Nissan, will miraculously emerge from the global chip industry to save the day.
Who would you nominate as the savior of Renesas? Let us know in the comments box below.