智能手機整合近場通信(NFC)的趨勢,正逐漸將NFC的應用從移動支付擴展到更廣闊的領域。在今年的 Cartes 智能卡技術(shù)展會中,我們看到包括RFID和NFC等技術(shù),都已廣泛被應用在護照、身份證中,甚至還包含了游戲、消費電子、零售、保健和廣告等不同的應用領域。
包括恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductors)、意法半導體(STMicroelectronics)、英飛凌科技(Infineon Technologies)和飛思卡爾半導體(Freescale Semiconductor),都是主要的RFID和NFC技術(shù)供貨商。
接下來,我們將看到 Cartes 2012 展會中所展示的最新NFC應用。首先是嵌入NFC芯片的書籍書版商,這也是第一本內(nèi)嵌多顆NFC芯片的書藉。
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
該游戲內(nèi)容是一個名叫Kaos的邪惡霸主入侵Skyland,將當?shù)厝蓑?qū)逐到地球去。但玩家可以將難民們帶回家,并透過購買帶NFC卷標的游戲人物,將他們 放置在NFC讀取器上方,來幫助他們擊敗Kaos。該NFC讀取器是屬于一個Portal裝置的一部份,而這個Portal實際上是一個具備USB接口的NFC讀取器/寫入器。

本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
移動支付和照片共享應用并不是NFC智能手機的唯一功能。 NFC 也可以透過觸發(fā)電子芯片讓手機在一定范圍內(nèi)與其它接收裝置互動。這就是三星 TecTiles 貼紙的運作方式。
三星最近推出了可用在其Galaxy S3和Galaxy Note 2上的NFC貼紙。

三星(Samsung)的NFC智能貼紙名為 TecTiles 。
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
移動支付仍然是NFC在智能手機應用中的最重要一項功能。在Cartes 2012上,Gemalto展示了融合銀行和NFC支付的整合應用。

本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
松下今年秋天推出一個新的“智能”家電,包括洗衣機/烘干機、空調(diào)、電飯鍋以及其它基于云端運算的智能應用程序。消費者可透過其配備NFC功能的 Android 手機對設備進行編程。

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• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc

Parrot的Zik耳機配備了一顆 NFC 芯片。
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
Inside Secure 和飛思卡爾半導體(Freescale)展示了一款具備NFC連接功能的安全電表。該產(chǎn)品展示了如何讓消費者使用NFC功能的智能手機或其它NFC設備讀取電表,然后安全地將信息傳送到公共事業(yè)端以支付賬款。
飛思卡爾和Inside Secure表示,可透過在電表和公共設施之間提供安全特性來防止詐欺行為。

這款智能電表參考板采用VaultIC 460安全模塊、 MicroRead 3.4 NFC 控制器和Open NFC 協(xié)議堆棧,以提供和銀行同等級的供智能卡安全功能。該系統(tǒng)是由飛思卡爾內(nèi)建 ARM Cortex-M4 的32位MCU Kinetis MK30X256控制。
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
在部份特定城市中,已經(jīng)有停車定時器開始采用 PayByPhone NFC貼紙。
PayByPhone NFC貼紙具有一個被動電子芯片,不需要電池和儲存信息,包括停車格號碼等訊息,均可透過任何具備NFC功能的手機無線讀取。

本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
索尼(Sony)今年稍早推出了智能卷標(SmartTags),它本質(zhì)上是可編程的權(quán)仗(token),能讓搭載NFC功能的Android手機響應一系 列命令來執(zhí)行重復的任務。使用者只需在進入一間房屋時刷一下自己的手機,便能激活無線網(wǎng)絡連接、關(guān)閉GPS或激活一個應用程序。一旦手機連接車上的智能標簽權(quán)仗后,便能激活GPS導航和藍牙。

本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
ISIS手機錢包應用程序于10月下旨在美國的Google Play商店上架,但截至目前該程序僅能應用在特定市場。包括美國奧斯汀和猶他州鹽湖城的T-Mobile、Verizon Wireless 和AT&T客戶們,現(xiàn)在都可獲得免費的ISIS NFC SIM卡,下載Isis手機錢包應用程序并開始消費。

觀察家認為,移動支付仍會是NFC在手機應用中的一項重要功能。而Isis則將會是能與Google電子錢包和Square 的 PayPal Here 相抗衡的移動支付選項。
本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載
編譯: Joy Teng
參考英文原文:Mobile apps get smarter using NFC,by Junko Yoshida, Anne-Francoise Pele
• 展望2013,Gartner揭示十大策略性技術(shù)與趨勢
• 中國NFC標準角力,第三方運營TSM平臺能否打破僵局?
• 恩智浦發(fā)布新產(chǎn)品,推動NFC標簽應用在大眾市場的普及zOvesmc
Mobile apps get smarter using NFC
Junko Yoshida, Anne-Francoise Pele
The adoption of near-field communications in smartphones is expanding the range of NFC applications far beyond mobile payments. Here are just 10 examples.
PARIS – Cartes, the annual conference on smart card technology, has morphed into a showcase for technologies and products that combine smart security, electronic payments and identification with mobility.
This year's conference expanded to include RFID and near-field communications (NFC) technologies broadly adopted in passports, national IDs and mass transit along with gaming, consumer electronics, retail, health care and advertising.
The adoption of NFC in smartphones is also expanding technology applications far beyond mobile payments. These range from peer-to-peer applications to personalization of profile settings and new reader/writer apps.
Chip manufacturers pitching their RFID and NFC technologies along with secure MCUs include: NXP Semiconductors, STMicroelectronics, Infineon Technologies and Freescale Semiconductor.
In the following pages, we offer snapshots of the latest NFC apps already on the market and new ones introduced at Cartes 2012:
Book publishing with embedded NFC chips: The first book embedded with multiple NFC chips. Using a smartphone as a reader, NFC chips inside the book allow the reader to connect to the Internet, download a song and watch video clips.
NFC and video gaming
NFC-enabled action figures used in the Skylander game
NFC is adding a new dimension to video games. Activision was the first to benefit from a growing craze of “Skylanders” video games, which use an NFC reader/writer and game characters holding NFC tags.
An evil overlord named Kaos is invading the Skyland, turning the natives into toys and banishing them to Earth. But game players can bring the refugees home and help them defeat Kaos -- by purchasing the NFC tag-based characters and placing them on top of an NFC reader in a portal. The portal is essentially a USB-based NFC reader/writer.
An NFC tag in the action figure contains the strengths and attributes of each character, while the portal that reads the NFC tag can bring those characters back into the video game.
Smart stickers
Samsung's NFC-enabled smart stickers called TecTiles
Mobile payments and photo sharing aren’t the only applications of NFC-enabled smartphones. NFC can also trigger an action by placing an electronic chip within a range of a receiver that interacts with the chip. That’s how Samsung’s TecTiles stickers work.
Samsung recently rolled out NFC stickers that work with its Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2.
The stickers can be used for certain phone functions. By swiping a phone over a tag, the user switch it to silent mode, launch certain app or make phone calls and send text messages automatically.
Mobile wallet
Combined banking and NFC payment apps displayed on a smartphone screen.
Mobile payments continue to be an important element of NFC-enabled smartphones, and their apps are advancing. At Cartes 2012, Gemalto showed a converged application for banking and NFC payments.
Launching the wallet shows the user immediately a snapshot of bank account and card activity. For either plastic bank card or NFC card, checking, savings and credit accounts appear on the display, allowing the account holder to make a payment, transfer money, set up an alert or locate the nearest ATM.
Programming appliances
Panasonic' smart washer/dryer can be programmed by an NFC-enabled smartphone
Panasonic introduced this fall a new line up of ‘smart’ appliances, including a washer/drier, air conditioner, rice cookers and others that use its cloud-based Smart app. Consumers can program appliances via their Android mobile phones equipped with NFC capabilities.
Bluetooth syncing
Parrot's Zik headphones come with a NFC chip.
"Pairing" of two Bluetooth devices has always been the first stumbling block encountered by Bluetooth users. NFC can help ease the proces. Parrot integrated NFC into the Zik headphones to allow users to pair, connect, and play music from an NFC-compatible device with nothing more than a tap of the headphones.
Secure smart meter
Secure smart meter guts.
Inside Secure and Freescale Semiconductor demonstrated a secure electricity meter at Cartes 2012 that comes with NFC connectivity. The demo showed how consumers can use an NFC-enabled smartphone or other NFC device to read an electric meter, then securely transmit usage information to a utility for payment.
Freescale and Inside Secure claim the postpaid meter can help prevent fraud by providing security between the meter and a utility.
The board in the smart meter uses the VaultIC 460 security module and the MicroRead 3.4 NFC controller and Open NFC protocol stack from Inside Secure to provide smart card security features like those used in banking. The system is controlled by Freescale’s Kinetis MK30X256 32-bit MCU built on an ARM Cortex-M4 core.
NFC in parking meters
Parking meters equipped with NFC stickers.
PayByPhone is installing NFC stickers on every parking meter in selected cities. The PayByPhone NFC sticker has a passive electronic chip that does not require a battery and stores information such as the parking space number that can be read wirelessly by any NFC-enabled phone.
Drivers wave or tap their NFC-enabled phones over the NFC sticker on the meter to automatically launch the parking application. The mobile payment system recognizes the user, identifies the individual parking location and the driver enters the desired parking time to complete the transaction.
The system then sends a text message reminder before the parking period expires and, if needed, allows additional time to be purchased by phone. A receipt is automatically sent to the user’s e-mail account. Payment is processed against a credit or debit card associated with the mobile phone number.
Programmable tokens
Sony's NFC-enabled SmartTags.
Sony's SmartTags launched earlier this year are essentially programmable tokens that allow NFC-equipped Android phone to respond to a series of commands to perform repetitive tasks. User merely swipe their phone when entering the house to turn on Wi-Fi, turn off GPS or launch an app. Once the phone connects with SmartTag token in the car, it initiates GPS, navigation and Bluetooth.
Mobile wallet platforms
The Isis Mobile Wallet.
The Isis Mobile Wallet app hit the Google Play store late October in the U.S., but it’s only available so far in select markets. T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless and AT&T customers in Austin, Texas, and Salt Lake City, Utah, can now pick up a free Isis NFC SIM card, download the Isis Mobile Wallet app and start spending.
Isis allows customers to make transactions with a simple tap of their smartphone. Using NFC technology, consumers and merchants can transfer money, make payments or manage discounts and loyalty perks.
Observers view mobile payments as an essential app of the NFC-enabled phones. Isis is expected to compete against rivals like Google Wallet and PayPal Here as well as mobile payment options from companies like Square.