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已經(jīng)打算出售近一年的MIPS終于找到歸宿,這場內(nèi)容復(fù)雜的交易牽涉到Imagination Technologies與ARM。 繪圖處理IP供貨商Imagination是在美國時間11月6日宣布以6,000萬美元金額收購MIPS的經(jīng)營業(yè)務(wù)(operating business),并將因此新增160名工程師與82項 MIPS 專利。此舉被視為Imagination能強化其CPU 核心技術(shù)專長,并鞏固在繪圖處理技術(shù)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位的策略,也將讓Imagination與ARM分庭抗禮;ARM一直積極推廣其整合CPU與GPU的解決方案。 在另一方面,ARM則宣布主導(dǎo)一個名為Bridge Crossing的投資聯(lián)盟,以3.50億美元的現(xiàn)金收購489項MIPS專利組合;其中ARM將出資1.675億美元。Bridge Crossing隸屬于一個時常進行專利買 斷或授權(quán)活動的財團Allied Security Trust (AST),金主包括Avaya、HP、IBM、Intel、Motorola、Oracle、Philips、RIM等公司。 市場研究機構(gòu)The Linley Group資深分析師J. Scott Gardner表示:“ARM已經(jīng)收購了所有MIPS專利組合的權(quán)利,因此雙方可避免法律糾紛?!钡杂写迩宓氖牵≦ualcomm、 Broadcom、Apple等公司是否得付費才能取得使用AST所收購專利的權(quán)限。 “據(jù)我所知,AST的具體目標(biāo)是防止那 些專利落入流氓(troll)之手;我認(rèn)為那些其它公司也是AST集團的成員,因此也是安全的?!盙ardner補充指出。但是Imagination與MIPS的高層在被問到AST有那些成員,以及誰有權(quán)使用MIPS的489項專利組合時,他們都不愿回答。 Imagination CEO Hossein Yassaie表示,其中有82項所收購的專利是屬于MIPS架構(gòu)的關(guān)鍵部分,這將有助于Imagination進一步朝MIPS架構(gòu)前進,同時保住來自目前與未來MIPS核心授權(quán)者的權(quán)利金。Yassaie并指出,一旦Imagination與MIPS的交易完成,MIPS的權(quán)利金就會轉(zhuǎn)至Imagination手中,并非AST。 針對那些打算取得MIPS技術(shù)授權(quán)的客戶,Yassaie則表示他們的聯(lián)系窗口將會是Imagination,而非ARM所率領(lǐng)的投資聯(lián)盟;該聯(lián)盟所收購的498項MIPS專利只是提供其成員一般性的專利保護,并不能讓他們?nèi)〉肕IPS架構(gòu)的特定組成部分。 ARM與該投資聯(lián)盟其它成員收購MIPS專利的主要目的,是降低侵犯專利權(quán)的風(fēng)險;ARM也表示,投資聯(lián)盟也將開放讓其它非聯(lián)盟廠商取得所收購專利的授權(quán)。 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 本文下一頁:MIPS找到了好歸宿?

Microchip擴展70 MIPS dsPIC33E DSC和PIC24E MCU0PWesmc

{pagination} MIPS找到了好歸宿? MIPS CEO Sandeep Vij 堅稱,該公司與Imagination、ARM的專利交易,是“基于對業(yè)界伙伴、股東、員工的最大利益”;而盡管MIPS即將被瓜分,可能不會有比這更好的選擇。 The Linley Group的Gardner表示,實際上MIPS的交易將產(chǎn)生目前帳面上MIPS每股價格之三倍的報酬,高過于MIPS約3.80億美元的資本價值。對于 MIPS的員工來說,這場交易應(yīng)該也很OK,因為Imagination表示打算保留目前MIPS約160名的人力。 MIPS的賣價(包括來自ARM所率領(lǐng)投資集團的3.5億美元,以及Imagination的6,000萬美元),說明了MIPS現(xiàn)有IP的價值;事實上,MIPS可說是交易中的大贏家。Gardner表示:“MIPS專利能用來跟大多數(shù)開發(fā)CPU的公司收取授權(quán)費?!? Gardner指出,身為32位與64位CPU架構(gòu)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)供貨商的MIPS,發(fā)明了許多關(guān)鍵的微處理器架構(gòu)概念,這也是為何ARM積極推動投資聯(lián)盟收購MIPS專利的主要原因。而MIPS交易最重要的一點,可能就是Imagination不會消滅MIPS的承諾。 有許多產(chǎn)業(yè)觀察家都很憂慮MIPS架構(gòu)的未來命運;對此Imagination CEO Yassaie強調(diào),該公司將會讓MIPS架構(gòu)“繼續(xù)向前”,并表示成 長中的CPU市場,是“我們需要參與其中的重要業(yè)務(wù)”。他表示,Imagination目前的CPU開發(fā)團隊約有100名工程師,未來MIPS工程師加入后,將使團隊規(guī)模成長一倍。 Yassaie也重申讓Imagination在CPU市場戰(zhàn)爭中擴張版圖的決心,并認(rèn)為該市場競爭重點在于連網(wǎng)裝置。他表示,交易最終的目標(biāo)是順利整合Imagination與MIPS各自的CPU開發(fā)資源:“我們自己開發(fā)的CPU與MIPS的CPU有很多相似性?!? Gardner 則以分析師的角度表示,Imagination整合MIPS架構(gòu)意味著與ARM正面宣戰(zhàn),而這可能會讓業(yè)界廠商在短時間不太適應(yīng),因為ARM與Imagination仍有緊密的合作關(guān)系;此外 Imagination也是Apple的GPU供貨商。Intel也使用Imagination的GPU,不過Gardner認(rèn)為Intel對 Imagination與MIPS的合并,憂慮程度并不會超過ARM。 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 本文下一頁:收購MIPS還基于三大因素

Microchip擴展70 MIPS dsPIC33E DSC和PIC24E MCU0PWesmc

{pagination} 長期來看,Gardner認(rèn) 為,Imagination最好是將MIPS從其IP產(chǎn)品組合中去除,但他進一步指出:“Imagination的CPU核心Meta將會需要大量的時間與投資,才會成為ARM 核心的利害競爭對手;無論如何,兩家公司的結(jié)合會比各自單打獨斗要好?!? 除了CPU大業(yè),Yassaie顯然認(rèn)為收購MIPS還基于三大因素: ● 其一是Android平臺,目前MIPS與 ARM、Intel是唯三直接支持該平臺的CPU架構(gòu)之一。Yassaie預(yù)期,收購 MIPS將去除目前后者周遭的不確定性,讓Imagination有機會真正將MIPS架構(gòu)變成與ARM、Intel平起平坐的CPU選項,特別是在 Android世界──也就是移動裝置市場。 ● 第二個因素是中國市場;Imagination將繼承MIPS的授權(quán)客戶,包括中國無晶圓廠設(shè)計業(yè)者君正集成電路(Ingenic)。Gardner 表示,君正的CEO是在中國社科院(Chinese Academy of Sciences)學(xué)會設(shè)計MIPS核心處理器,并催生了數(shù)款MIPS架構(gòu)產(chǎn)品,包括采用MIPS64的龍芯(Loongson)處理器: “Imagination可藉由收購案為其GPU拉攏那些采用MIPS架構(gòu)的公司?!? ● 第三個因素是MIPS目前的產(chǎn)品組合;Gardner表示,將持續(xù)開發(fā)MIPS核心的Imagination將會因三管齊下的Aptiv系列核心取得不錯的起步,包括高性能的ProAptiv產(chǎn)品線。 Gardner指出,ARM最近發(fā)表Cortex-A57,性能可達3.9 CoreMark/MHz,但仍遜于MIPS ProAptiv的4.5 CoreMark/MHz:“MIPS核心在芯片占位面積以及功耗表現(xiàn)上,應(yīng)該也優(yōu)于高階的ARM處理器核心?!? Yassaie 強調(diào),MIPS的交易并非“資產(chǎn)收購”而是“策略性收購”;他總結(jié)表示,Imagination對MIPS的業(yè)務(wù)、人才以及前景擁有濃厚的興趣。 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 參考英文原文:ARM, Imagination divvy up MIPS;Imagination won't kill MIPS,by Junko Yoshida

Microchip擴展70 MIPS dsPIC33E DSC和PIC24E MCU0PWesmc

{pagination} ARM, Imagination divvy up MIPS Junko Yoshida · MIPS Technologies, which has been on the block for almost a year, finally found buyers in a complicated deal involving Imagination Technologies and ARM. NEW YORK -- MIPS Technologies, which had been on the block for almost a year, finally found buyers in a complicated deal involving Imagination Technologies and ARM. Imagination said Tuesday (Nov. 6) it has agreed to buy MIPS' operating business for $60 million. Under terms of the deal, the U.K. graphics IP vendor will gain 160 engineers and 82 MIPS patents. The move is viewed as a way for Imagination to beef up its CPU core expertise while defending its graphics lead. It would also position Imagination to competing against ARM, which has been pursuing its integrated CPU-GPU solution strategy. Separately, ARM said it will lead a consortium buying the rights to the MIPS portfolio of 498 patents. The consortium, called Bridge Crossing LLC, will pay $350 million in cash to purchase the rights to the portfolio, of which ARM will contribute $167.5 million. Bridge Crossing is an acquisition vehicle for Allied Security Trust (AST), a consortium of companies with a history of buying up patents. The consortium often sells off or licenses those patents. Consortium members include Avaya, HP, IBM, Intel, Motorola, Oracle, Philips, Research in Motion and others. J. Scott Gardner, a senior analyst at The Linley Group, said “ARM purchased rights to all of the MIPS patents, so they have legal peace.” What remains unclear, however, is whether companies such as Qualcomm, Broadcom and Apple will have to purchase their own licenses for access to the AST portfolio, Gardner added. “As I understand it, the entire purpose of AST is to keep patents from falling into the hands of trolls. I assume that these other companies are part of the AST group and are also safe," he said. Asked during a conference call, which companies belong to AST and who have access to the MIPS portfolio of 498 patents, Imagination and MIPS executives declined to provide names. Imagination CEO Hossein Yassaie did say 82 of the patents acquired in the deal cover key aspects of the MIPS architecture. That will help Imagination to move MIPS architecture "go forward," he noted, while protecting royalties coming from current and future MIPS licensees. Once the Imagination-MIPS deal is completed, MIPS royalties will go to Imagination, not to AST, Yassaie said. Patent details For those customers seeking to license MIPS technologies, Yassaie said they will go through Imagination, not the consortium. The 498 MIPS patents bought by ARM-led consortium provide the group with general patent protection rather than access to specific parts of the MIPS architecture, he added. ARM and others in the consortium are hoping that the deal will reduce the risk of infringing any MIPS patents. The consortium will make available licenses to the patent portfolio to companies outside the consortium, ARM said. "ARM is a leading participant in this consortium, which presents an opportunity for companies to neutralize any potential infringement risk from these patents in the further development of advanced embedded technology," ARM CEO Warren East said in a statement. "Litigation is expensive and time consuming and, in this case, a collective approach with other major industry players was the best way to remove that risk." Imagination won't kill MIPS Junko Yoshida · It would be hard to come up with a better ending for struggling MIPS Technologies than the deal in which ARM and Imagination Technologies divvy up the company. NEW YORK – Things could hardly turned out better for MIPS Technologies in the latest patent acquisition deal in which ARM and Imagination Technologies are carving up the company. MIPS CEO Sandeep Vij insisted Tuesday (Nov. 6) after word of the deal broke that it was “done in the best interest of our industry partners, shareholders and employees.” Indeed, the transaction “returns over three times the book value per share [of MIPS] and more than the current market capitalization value of $380 million,” said J. Scott Gardner, a senior analyst at The Linley Group. It appears that MIPS employees are OK for now since Imagination said it plans to retain most of its current MIPS workforce of about 160 employees. The deal's price tag ($350 million from an ARM-led consortium and $60 million from Imagination) illustrates the value placed on MIPS' IP.and the fact that MIPS is also a winner in this deal. Gardner said “the MIPS patents could have been used to extract license fees from most of the companies building CPUs.” MIPS, a pioneer of 32- and 64-bit CPU architectures, “invented many of the key microprocessor concepts,” said Gardner. These were considered so essential that ARM led the group that was one of the keys to the acquisition, the Allied Security Trust, a consortium of companies with a history of buying up patents. Gloves off The most important element of the deal may be Imagination’s promise not to kill MIPS. Many observers were undoubtedly worried about the future of the MIPS architecture. During a conference call, Imagination CEO Hossein Yassaie (left) stressed that Imagination will keep the MIPS architecture “going forward” while calling the growing CPU market “the fundamental business we need to get engaged in.” Noting that Imagination currently has about 100 engineers on its CPU development team, Yassaie said “we will be almost doubling the team by adding MIPS engineers." Yassaie also reiterated his intention to raise the stakes in a CPU battle that is expected to be fought over connected devices. The endgame is to merge the internal CPU development efforts at Imagination and MIPS. “There are significant similarities between our in-house CPU and that of MIPS,” Yassaie said. Gardner, the analyst, said the new development effort means “the gloves coming off in its competition with ARM.” This could create near-term discomfort among industry players since ARM will still need to work closely with Imagination. Imagination also is Apple's GPU vendor. The company's GPUs are also used by Intel, but Gardner doesn’t believe Intel has as much to fear from the Imagination-MIPS deal as ARM. In the longer term, “Imagination is better off with MIPS in its portfolio of IP," he added. "Imagination’s ‘Meta’ CPU core would have required substantial time and investment” to be a serious alternative to ARM-base cores. “The combination of the two companies is ultimately stronger than either company could have been on its own." What drove the deal? Beyond his own CPU ambitions, Yassaie appears to see three upsides in purchasing MIPS’ operations. First is the Android factor. MIPS is one of the only three CPU architectures directly supported by the Android OS. The other two are ARM and Intel. He expects the deal to settle the current uncertainty surrounding MIPS, giving Imagination a chance to pitch MIPS to the industry as a legitimate CPU choice – “a real alternative to ARM and Intel” – especially in the Android world. That, by extension, means the global mobile industry. Second is the China factor. Imagination will inherit MIPS licensees, including the China-based fabless company Ingenic. Gardner explained, “Ingenic’s CEO learned to design MIPS-based processors at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has spawned several MIPS designs, including the Loongson processor based on MIPS64.” He added, “Imagination may be able to use its MIPS acquisition to gain traction for its GPUs in the companies that favor the MIPS architecture.” Third is MIPS’ current product portfolio. Gardner said Imagination, in continuing to develop MIPS cores, will “start in a good position with the three-pronged Aptiv family of cores, including the high-performance ProAptiv line.” He noted that ARM’s recently announced Cortex-A57 “will achieve 3.9 CoreMark/MHz, which is below the MIPS ProAptiv score of 4.5 CoreMark/MHz.” Gardner added, “The MIPS cores should also consume less die area and power than the high-end ARM CPUs.” Yassaie stressed that the MIPS deal is “not an asset acquisition,” but “a strategic acquisition.” Imagination has a strong interest in “MIPS’ business, people and prospects,” he concluded.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球聯(lián)席總編輯,首席國際特派記者。曾任把口記者(beat reporter)和EE Times主編的Junko Yoshida現(xiàn)在把更多時間用來報道全球電子行業(yè),尤其關(guān)注中國。 她的關(guān)注重點一直是新興技術(shù)和商業(yè)模式,新一代消費電子產(chǎn)品往往誕生于此。 她現(xiàn)在正在增加對中國半導(dǎo)體制造商的報道,撰寫關(guān)于晶圓廠和無晶圓廠制造商的規(guī)劃。 此外,她還為EE Times的Designlines欄目提供汽車、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)和無線/網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)相關(guān)內(nèi)容。 自1990年以來,她一直在為EE Times提供內(nèi)容。
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