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微軟宣布將在2013年初發(fā)布x86版的 Surface ,但OEM合作伙伴們早已采取行動,他們再次被推上了戰(zhàn)爭前線,其中x86陣營可能更有機會。微軟比任何時候都需要盟友。要成功與蘋果競爭,需要的是一支軍 隊,但現(xiàn)在,微軟似乎正打算自己去打這場仗……

針對未來一周的芯片產(chǎn)業(yè),我們很可能需要用到“史詩”這樣有份量的詞匯來描述。 在蘋果(Apple)推出低成本iPad mini ,以及微軟(Microsoft)的下一代Windows操作系統(tǒng)終于問世之際,請為假日購物季做好準備。 看來,蘋果的成功似乎早已成了定局,因為死忠的“果粉”們?nèi)匀辉敢饴端拊谌诵械郎蠌匾故睾?,只為了第一個擁有最新蘋果產(chǎn)品,這不禁讓我們反過來思考,微軟這頭又是什么狀況。 這家總部位在Redmond的軟件巨擘正在開辟一條嶄新的道路,試圖在以蘋果/Google為中心的新興移動設備世界中掙得一席之地。微軟的改革相當有理,該公司采取了兩種不同的方法,將既有的PC生態(tài)系統(tǒng)優(yōu)勢發(fā)揮得淋漓盡致,這讓微軟不僅做好了與蘋果開戰(zhàn)的準備,而且也有助于建立自有的軟件王國。 Windows 8將分兩階段推出。第一部分推出的是Windows 8和 Windows 8 Pro 版,伴隨著這兩個版本推出的,是數(shù)量龐大的PC OEM廠商們推出的各種外形不一的全新設備。 我們將看到大量具備觸控功能的Ultrabook 、平板電腦和可旋轉裝置,廠商們希望這些設備能透過整合平板電腦的特性和功能,再次延續(xù)PC的壽命。 這些x86設備都會執(zhí)行新的 Windows 8 用戶界面(之前稱為 Metro ),并使用新操作系統(tǒng)的完整的應用程序和外圍。 而另一個部份,則是 Windows RT 陣營,這部份還包含了微軟已推出的ARM版產(chǎn)品及旗艦平臺── Surface 。


Windows RT 的前進道路一直很坎坷,充滿混亂卻又相當神秘,因為微軟的 Windows 部門一直試圖開發(fā)出有別于蘋果的新品種商品。 但問題是,微軟不是蘋果。喬布斯 (Steve Jobs)的魅力太過鮮明,沒有人的腦袋會將 Jobs 與微軟的 Steven Sinofsky 混淆。 我常想,負責 Windows RT 的公關想必是微軟最孤獨的工作之一,因為這個新平臺上只透過 Sinofsky 的博客文章來發(fā)布新信息,其中絕大部分都很枯燥,要讀完它們得花很長時間。 然而,盡管這些文章每篇都非常長,但潛在的消費者仍然法明白它和現(xiàn)有應用程序的兼容性。微軟就像躲瘟疫似地避談這些問題,而且是從 BUILD 大會后便一直如此。 “從 文宣里除了可看到Office將包含在其配置中以外,沒有人知道其它更多有關功能或性能的細節(jié)。一直到上周為止,甚至定價信息都相當神秘。在這么保密的狀況下,很難知道他們的運作現(xiàn)況?!斑@些都是大家想藉由此次發(fā)布得知的關鍵訊息,”Insight64分析師Nathan Brookwood說。 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載 本文下一頁:艱難的硬件之路
• 第1頁:產(chǎn)品不能讓人瘋狂,因為微軟不是蘋果• 第2頁:艱難的硬件之路
• 第3頁:為何Surface獨獨不去日本?• 第4頁:與OEM伙伴價格競爭是主因

[圖文報道]蘋果發(fā)布會與傳說中的iPad Mini
Windows 8發(fā)布宣告?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)PC時代終結,企業(yè)用戶不買帳

{pagination} 艱難的硬件之路 對我來說,我很清楚微軟正在設法超越純軟件公司的角色,該公司希望使用 Windows RT Surface 平臺來復制 Xbox 游戲機曾經(jīng)在PC世界獲得的成功。 但麻煩的是, Xbox 和 Surface 之間有著極大的不同。 Xbox 并非基于Windows,而且根本沒有生態(tài)系統(tǒng),因此微軟能夠快速建立社群和贏得消費者信任,進而讓第二波的Xbox 360也能獲得成功。 但 Surface 是出生在成熟的Windows生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中,市場上有大量競爭者,這些競爭者今天也都是微軟這家軟件巨擘的客戶。 “一方面,它對傳統(tǒng)PC領域來說意味著完全不同的工作流程,這勢必會讓OEM廠商們感到不大舒服,”分析師 David Kanter 說。但是,他補充道,“很明顯,與蘋果相較,PC OEM們并不擅長了解消費者的想象和欲望。因此,微軟希望創(chuàng)造成功的產(chǎn)品,贏得消費者的心。” 從歷史角度來看,Kanter表示,“OEM們的表現(xiàn)不如蘋果,而我們看到微軟采取更積極的態(tài)度去打造新的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)?!? 雖然有關OEM們在聽聞 Surface 即將問世之際,有許多業(yè)者打算放棄,而且在Surface真的在市場上獲得成功以前,他們也不打算長期投入設計新RT系統(tǒng)的消息或許是真的。 Surface 目前定價是499美元,對OEM廠商來說,這個價格很難獲利,無論是直接與微軟競爭,或是面對蘋果的低成本、高性能iPad系列,總之,前景看來相當慘淡。 如果微軟希望說服消費者回頭擁抱Windows并開始購買他們的軟件,那么,讓iTunes能執(zhí)行在Windows RT上將是一個好的開始。同樣地,真的在市場上推出產(chǎn)品,而不是只在幻燈片上不斷重復介紹會是更好的做法。 “微軟在六月底時花心思做了比蘋果公關資料還要多的宣傳,并成功在最初版 Surface 問世時制造了話題。但之后他們并未推出產(chǎn)品,甚至沒能讓消費者預購。燃起消費者的熱情后又讓他們因懸念而煩惱,是公關的罪過,”Brookwood說。 微軟也宣布將在2013年初發(fā)布 x86 版的 Surface ,但 OEM合作伙伴們早已采取行動,他們大概會推出100款的平臺。 無論采取哪一種方式,微軟都將OEM業(yè)者們再推上了戰(zhàn)爭前線,而其中,x86陣營可能更有機會。 而一個人們想知道的問題,是如果微軟直接押注在其主要合作伙伴所采取的核心策略上,那么,是否能能避免Surface和RT可能招致的失敗。 微軟比任何時候都需要盟友。要成功與蘋果競爭,微軟需要的是一支軍 隊,但現(xiàn)在,微軟似乎正在脫隊,打算自己去打這場仗。 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載 本文下一頁:為何Surface獨獨不去日本?
• 第1頁:產(chǎn)品不能讓人瘋狂,因為微軟不是蘋果• 第2頁:艱難的硬件之路
• 第3頁:為何Surface獨獨不去日本?• 第4頁:與OEM伙伴價格競爭是主因

[圖文報道]蘋果發(fā)布會與傳說中的iPad Mini
Windows 8發(fā)布宣告?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)PC時代終結,企業(yè)用戶不買帳

{pagination} 為何Surface全球發(fā)表獨缺日本? Surface平板電腦將于10月26日在全球同步推出,但獨漏日本。理由是日本不在微軟的目標市場之列嗎?或者是微軟擔心其Surface平板在日本慘??? 就在此時,多家日本企業(yè)都宣布,即將在第四季推出Windows 8平板電腦和PC。 最近幾個月來,業(yè)界充滿了有關這家軟件巨擘首款平板電腦的猜測。 Surface 將在全球8 個市場銷售,包括美國、英國和亞洲在內(nèi),微軟將在中國大陸和香港,推出 Surface ,但并不包括日本。 微軟僅表示,是否在日本推出 Surface 仍然“未定”。 分析師表示,微軟放棄今年在日本發(fā)布的原因,是該公司與日本廠商合作,希望能促進其新的 Win 8 操作系統(tǒng)銷售。微軟即將于10月26日發(fā)布 Windows 8 操作系統(tǒng)。 包括NEC, 富士通(Fujitsu)和東芝(Toshiba)等日本業(yè)者,都宣布在冬季購物季推出新產(chǎn)品。盡管有關PC時代是否即將終結的爭論滿天飛,但日本企業(yè)在日趨飽和的市場中仍將推動成長的希望放在Windows 8身上。 富士通推出了一系列名為Arrows Tab的消費型平板電腦。它們厚度僅9.9mm,據(jù)稱是“全球最薄的”Windows 8平板電腦,具防水、眼球追蹤感測等功能。眼球追蹤功能獲得了很多關注:使用者可簡單地移動眼睛,朝四個方向滾動屏幕。該產(chǎn)品售價為10萬日圓(約 1,263美元)。

富士通的可防水、眼球追蹤 Arrow 平板jPOesmc

富士通的可防水、眼球追蹤 Arrow 平板。 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載 本文下一頁:與OEM伙伴價格競爭是主因
• 第1頁:產(chǎn)品不能讓人瘋狂,因為微軟不是蘋果• 第2頁:艱難的硬件之路
• 第3頁:為何Surface獨獨不去日本?• 第4頁:與OEM伙伴價格競爭是主因

[圖文報道]蘋果發(fā)布會與傳說中的iPad Mini
Windows 8發(fā)布宣告?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)PC時代終結,企業(yè)用戶不買帳

{pagination} 價格競爭 NEC的Lavie Y擁有一個可翻轉360度的液晶屏幕,讓它可變身為平板電腦。 NEC是和中國聯(lián)想(Lenovo)聯(lián)合研發(fā)。Lavie Y也是首款日本公司開發(fā)、執(zhí)行 Windows RT 的產(chǎn)品,預計售價9萬日圓(約1,137美元)。

NEC的LaVie LCD屏幕可翻轉360度,直接變身成平板電腦jPOesmc

NEC的LaVie LCD屏幕可翻轉360度,直接變身成平板電腦。 東芝將推出可將鍵盤滑動到LCD屏幕下方,變身為平板的全新筆電。該產(chǎn)品預計售價為15萬日圓(約1,895美元)。


東芝的新產(chǎn)品可將鍵盤滑動到LCD下方,讓筆電變身平板。 Acer日本公司(Acer Japan Corp.)據(jù)傳也可能在今年底發(fā)布 Windows 8 平板電腦,搭載10英寸屏幕,售價為70,000日圓(約884美元)。 微軟的 Surface 在美國售價為499美元,若在日本推出,將會與日本企業(yè)形成直接競爭。 Windows 8平板電腦和PC能否在PC市場發(fā)揮力挽狂瀾的作用仍未可知。據(jù) IDC 預估,日本的PC出貨量今年僅會成長4%,約1,630萬臺。 但可以肯定的是,年底的日本購物季價格競爭將相當激烈。 編譯: Joy Teng 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載 參考原文Scratching the Surface: Microsoft’s Apple Envy and failure of Windows RT,by Sylvie Barak; Why Microsoft’s Surface will be a no-show in Japan,by Junko Yoshida
• 第1頁:產(chǎn)品不能讓人瘋狂,因為微軟不是蘋果• 第2頁:艱難的硬件之路
• 第3頁:為何Surface獨獨不去日本?• 第4頁:與OEM伙伴價格競爭是主因

[圖文報道]蘋果發(fā)布會與傳說中的iPad Mini
Windows 8發(fā)布宣告?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)PC時代終結,企業(yè)用戶不買帳

{pagination} Scratching the Surface: Microsoft’s Apple Envy and failure of Windows RT Sylvie Barak “Epic” is a rare word to use on a Monday, especially to describe the week ahead in the chip industry, but this week may be one that actually warrants it. With Apple preparing to launch its expected low-cost iPad mini tomorrow and Microsoft preparing to release the next version of Windows to the public by end of week, the battleground for holiday shopping is set. While to some Apple’s success seems a foregone conclusion, with its fanatical base of diehard fans willing to camp out on sidewalks just to be among the first to own its latest offering, we’re left to ponder what happens with Microsoft. The Redmond-based software giant is blazing a new trail in an attempt to stay relevant in an increasingly Apple/Google-centric device world. While the rationale for Microsoft’s change is sound, the two divergent paths being taken is turning the PC eco-system on its head, as the firm prepares for war not only with Apple, but with the very customers who helped build its software empire. The Windows 8 launch will roll out in two phases. The first component will be the launch of Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro, with countless PC OEMs launching waves of devices in all shapes and form factors. We’ll see a large number of touch-enabled Ultrabooks, tablets and convertibles, all hoping to spice up PC life once again, mainly by borrowing and integrating tablet features and functionality. These (X86 based) devices will run the new Windows 8 UI (the artist formerly known as Metro) as well as the full complement of existing applications and peripherals. On the other hand, there is the Windows RT camp and the long, winding, convoluted road Microsoft has taken to launch its ARM-based product and its flagship platform, Surface. The road to Windows RT has been a painful one, wrought with confusion and secrecy, as Microsoft’s Windows division attempts to take a page out of Apple’s playbook for the launch. The problem is, Microsoft is not Apple. Nobody in their right mind could confuse the charisma of Steve Jobs with the awkwardness of Steven Sinofsky. I’ve often thought Windows RT PR must be one of the loneliest jobs at Microsoft, given that the only vehicle to share information on the new platform is via Mr. Sinofsky’s blog posts, most of which are painfully long to read and mostly quite boring. Despite their unnecessary length, however, we potential consumers still have no clear sense on the realities of legacy applications compatibility. Microsoft has avoided the question like the plague and has consistently spoken out of both sides of its mouth sine its BUILD conference last September. "Aside from the well-publicized inclusion of Office in those configurations, nobody has much of an idea about features or performance. Until last week, even the pricing for most systems was a closely held secret. Given all the secrecy, it’s hard to say how well this will work out for them. It’s the biggest unknown in the launch," said analyst Nathan Brookwood of Insight64. Hard road to hardware dominance What is clear to me, however, is that Microsoft would very much like to be more than a software company, and use its Windows RT Surface platform to replicate the success of its Xbox games console in the PC world. The trouble is, there’s a key difference between the launch of Xbox and Surface. Xbox wasn’t based on Windows and had no eco-system to speak of, so Microsoft was able to build a community and credibility with the gamers in parallel, resulting in a strong second effort with Xbox 360. Surface is coming to market in a mature Windows eco-system and is designed to compete with the very customers that made Microsoft the software behemoth it is today. “On one hand, it's a pretty radical departure from the workflow that people are used to in the PC space...so it's bound to make OEMs uncomfortable,” said Analyst David Kanter. However, he added, “it's manifestly clear that PC OEMs are very unsuccessful in creating products that capture the imagination and desires of consumers, compared to Apple. So Microsoft's actions seem driven by a desire to create successful products and ultimately serve consumers.” Historically, said Kanter, “OEMs have not performed well compared to Apple, and what we are seeing is Microsoft taking a more active approach in leading the ecosystem.” While that may be true, as OEMs got wind of Surface, many of them bailed on RT altogether and those who didn’t showed signs of faltering in their long-term support and commitment in designing new RT systems until they could gauge the success of Surface. At Surface’s current price point of $499 OEMs will be hard pressed to compete for the consumer’s share of wallet, both with Microsoft directly and with Apple pulling a squeeze play with its low-cost, high performance iPad variant. In short, the prospects look pretty dismal. Getting iTunes to work on Windows RT would be a start if Microsoft wants to convince consumers to migrate back to Windows for their content consumption. Likewise, getting a product out on time instead of simply manufacturing slidewear would be wise. "Microsoft took a page out of Apple’s PR manual and did a great job creating buzz around the initial Surface announcement in June. Then they blew it by failing to have a product ready to ship, or even to pre-order. It’s a PR sin to get your audience hot and bothered, and then leave them hanging like that," said Brookwood. Microsoft will also do an X86 version of Surface in early 2013 but its OEM partners will have a head start with 100’s of platforms in the market in advance of this. Either way, Microsoft is bringing the battle to OEMs on both fronts but in the X86 the firm may well stand a chance. One has to wonder if this debacle with Surface and RT could have been avoided if Microsoft had doubled down efforts with its key partners versus adopting the nuclear strategy. Going to war with the very community that made you successful seems like a recipe for disaster at a time when Microsoft needs its friends more than ever. Successfully competing with Apple will require an army and right now Microsoft seems resigned to go into battle alone. Why Microsoft’s Surface will be a no-show in Japan Junko Yoshida 10/21/2012 7:08 PM EDT TOKYO – When Microsoft’s Surface tablet is launched worldwide on Oct. 26, it will be a no-show in Japan. Is Microsoft snubbing Japan because of its growing irrelevance as a market? Or is Microsoft wary about its Surface tablet flopping in Japan? At the same time, Japanese companies are rushing to release a host of Windows 8 tablets and PCs during the fourth quarter. Speculation abounds here concerning the software giant’s first tablet. Surface will go on sale in eight markets including the United States and the U.K. In Asia, Microsoft will roll it out in China and Hong Kong, but not in Japan. [Get a 10% discount on ARM TechCon 2012 conference passes by using promo code EDIT. Click here to learn about the show and register.] Microsoft has only said it is “undecided” about releasing the Surface tablet in Japan. Analysts said Microsoft will forgo a launch here this year as it cooperates with Japanese manufacturers in hopes of promote sales of its new Win 8 operating system. Microsoft will launch Windows 8 on Oct. 26. Domestic PC manufacturers including NEC., Fujitsu and Toshiba unveiled new models this week for winter shopping season. Despite a growing debate over the end of PC era, Japanese companies are hanging their hat on Windows 8 in hopes it will fuel growth in an increasingly saturated market. Fujitsu has unveiled a series of consumer tablets called Arrows Tab. Just 9.9-mm thick, Fujitsu claims it to be “the world’s thinnest” Windows 8 tablet, equipped with such features as water resistance and an eye-tracking sensor. The eye-tracking feature enables an interface that’s getting a lot of attention here: Users can scroll the screen in all four directions by simply moving their eyes. The machine will sell for 100,000 yen ($1,263). Fujitsu's water-proof, eye-tracking Arrow Tab Price competition NEC's Lavie Y has an LCD screen that flips 360 degrees, allowing it to be used as a tablet. It was jointly developed by NEC and China's Lenovo. Lavie Y is the first model from a Japanese manufacturer that runs Windows RT, a version of Windows 8 for tablets. It will sell for about 90,000 yen ($1,137). NEC's LaVie LCD screen flips 360 degrees, so that it can be used as a tablet. Toshiba will release notebooks that can also be used as tablets by sliding the keyboard under the LCD screen. They are expected to sell for about 150,000 yen ($1,895). Toshiba's new device has a keyboard that slides under the LCD screen for tablet use Acer Japan Corp. is also reportedly releasing a Windows 8 tablet with a 10-inch screen, likely selling for around 70,000 yen ($884) by the end of the year. Microsoft's Surface will be priced at $499 in the U.S. market, and will compete directly with all new products if released in Japan. Whether new tablets and PCs running Windows 8 are sufficient to turn the tide for PCs remains unclear. Domestic PC shipments this year will grow only by 4 percent to about 16.3 million units, according to market researcher IDC Japan. What is certain is that price competition during the year-end shopping season in Japan will be intense.
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