


國際電子商情15日訊 剛剛,中國半導(dǎo)體行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)就“美日荷限制向中國出口相關(guān)芯片制造設(shè)備”發(fā)表嚴(yán)正聲明…
















Statement of China Semiconductor Industry AssociationHCZesmc

According to overseas media reports, the governments of the United States, the Netherlands and Japan have reached an agreement to impose new export controls and restrictions on chip manufacturing in China. If the move becomes a reality, it will cause serious harm to the semiconductor industry in China, with detriment to the global economy, as well as long-term damages to the interests of consumers world-wide.HCZesmc

China Semiconductor Industry Association(CSIA) protests against the act of destroying the existing global semiconductor industry ecology. CSIA opposes the act of interfering in global trade liberalization, distorting the balance of supply and demand. CSIA also object to the attempt to exclude China's semiconductor industry from the global innovation system and free competition market.HCZesmc

Semiconductor is at the core of the global digital infrastructure which sets the foundation for a lot of people's livelihood in our modern society. The semiconductor industry is a global industry, and highly dependent on innovation and cooperation. Inappropriate intervention by government and authorities can cause disruption to our industry. HCZesmc

Cooperation and collaboration has long been the best option to create value and to promote progress. Looking back at the 60 years history of the development of global semiconductor industry, the reason that the semiconductor industry prospering today depends on global market and collaborative innovation, they are also the key driving forces of semiconductor industrial development.HCZesmc

CSIA joined the World Semiconductor Council (WSC) in 2006, which not only shows the determination of semiconductor industry in China to integrate into the globalization and market oriented development, but also shows China's resolve to develop the global semiconductor industry in collaboration with its counterparts and colleagues from other parts of the world.HCZesmc

China's semiconductor market can create great economic value and promote global scientific and technological progress. CSIA calls on the global semiconductor industry and academia to unite, defend the globalization of the semiconductor industry, promote the collaborative innovation, and continue to create benefits for industry and human society.HCZesmc

CSIA calls on the Chinese government and relevant agencies to establish rules for maintaining the healthy development of the global semiconductor industry ecology. For foreign enterprises that defend the concept of globalization and the value of the global semiconductor industry, CSIA also hopes to support their business operations in the Chinese market.HCZesmc

Reviewing history and learning from past experience, CSIA believes that China's economic growth will bring us development opportunities and the trend will not change. CSIA calls on all member companies to unite and maintain the stability of global supply chain. In this particular juncture, we need to gather our confidence, to respond positively, and create a better future together.HCZesmc

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