由于營收持續(xù)虧損,諾基亞公司(Nokia Corp.)幾乎已經被打入信用評等差的“垃圾債券”(junk bond)企業(yè)了。諾基亞公司近期不但股價持續(xù)下跌,就在該公司發(fā)布第2季營收虧損慘重過后幾天,國際信評機構也紛紛調降其債信評等。
穆迪投資者服務公司(Moody's Investors Service)將諾基亞公司的債券發(fā)行下調到比投資級更低三級的評等。在此之前,惠譽國際信用評等公司(Fitch Ratings Ltd.)己在上周先行調降諾基亞的債信評等。
對于國際信評機構的作法,諾基亞公司主管團隊質疑該機構對于公司財務惡化狀況所作的結論。諾基亞公司首席財務官Timo Ihamuotila在新聞稿中說:“雖然我們對于穆迪的決定感到失望,但它對于公司的影響是有限的,因為我們正迅速采取行動,將諾基亞定位于可在未來實現(xiàn)成長與成功的位置。諾基亞將繼續(xù)專注于迅速降低公司的成本結構,改善現(xiàn)金流并維持穩(wěn)健的財務狀況?!?
編譯:Susan Hong
本文下一頁:參考英文原文:Nokia Gets Slapped Down, Again,by Bolaji Ojo, Editor in Chief
• 最炫中國風:智能手機推廣“十大怪”
• 諾基亞再添堵,智能手機市場第三名恐拱手相讓于華為
• 亞洲手機市場:諾基亞強撐,蘋果遭蠶食56lesmc
Nokia Gets Slapped Down, Again
Bolaji Ojo
Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) is going deeper and deeper into junk bond territory. Days after it announced another set of relatively disappointing quarterly results, two agencies piled on by dropping their ratings on the company's debt.
Today Moody's Investors Service dropped Nokia's bond offerings three levels below investment grade at a time when it could use a much more positive move. The downgrade followed a similar move by Fitch Ratings Ltd. last week.
Moody's downgraded the company's long-term senior unsecured debt rating to Ba3 from Ba1, and it confirmed its outlook on Nokia "remains negative." The ratings agency cited concerns about the poor performance of Nokia's devices and services business in the second quarter. The Lumia smartphone, on which Nokia pinned its hopes for a recovery, isn't selling as fast as would be required to pull the company out of a financial hole, Moody's said. Furthermore:
The negative outlook on Nokia's Ba3 ratings reflect the low visibility with regard to (i) the trend for Nokia's market share in smartphones and whether the Windows-based devices can attain a solid market share with positive income contribution to Nokia; (ii) demand and margin potential for the group's feature phones in emerging markets; and (iii) Nokia's future net cash flows, which are adversely affected by pricing pressure, marketing incentives and restructuring expenditures, although this is partially mitigated by royalty collections, platform payments from Microsoft and potential disposal proceeds.
The potential for an upgrade is "limited," Moody's said.
Nokia executives weren't too pleased with the downgrade. They disputed the agency's conclusion that the company's financial position had worsened. "While we are disappointed with Moody's decision, its impact on the company is limited," CFO Timo Ihamuotila said in a press release. "We are quickly taking action to position Nokia for future growth and success. Nokia will continue to focus on lowering the company's cost structure rapidly, improving cash flow and maintaining a strong financial position."
Those actions have included massive layoffs and a strategic alliance with Microsoft Corp., under which Nokia adopted the software giant's Windows operating system and ditched its own Symbian OS for its handsets. Nokia has also taken steps to expand in the North American market, where it has been relegated to bit-player status for the last several years.
None of these actions will help Nokia in the short term. In fact, the company is highly likely to keep facing tough market conditions for a while. Its future profitability could come into question if customers do not show interest in the Lumia and other phones. For now, it's safe to bet on Nokia not getting its investment grade back this year.