ABI Research預計,2012年亞洲手機市場有望率先擺脫全球經(jīng)濟疲軟的影響,手機銷量將以6.9%的年增率增長至6.24億部。
ABI Research副總裁Jake Saunders表示:“亞洲手機市場有其特性。不僅是韓國和日本等發(fā)達市場增長了,如中國、印度尼西亞和印度等國家的手機市場增長幅度也很可觀?!?
ABI Research預估2012年印度手機銷量將以11.2%的年增率增長至2.03億部;印度尼西亞市場則將增長16%至5700萬部。
需要注意的是,2011年諾基亞把控著印度手機市場37%的份額,三星、G'Five、Micromax、Karbonn、Spice緊隨其后。但在印度尼西亞手機市場,由于三星、RIM、Nexian、HT Mobile、Cross的侵蝕,諾基亞的市場份額僅為21%。
4G是未來趨勢,而韓國和日本在這方面已經(jīng)取得領(lǐng)先。在韓國,運營商如LG U+,SK電信以及KT在2012年初已開始著手4G的商業(yè)化服務(wù):開始銷售LTE dongles,LTE功能的平板電腦以及智能手機。在韓國手機市場,大批玩家涌入商店簽署LTE手機合約,蘋果手機因無LTE功能而遭遇市占率滑坡。雖然iPhone在2010和2011年時因被韓國高端有科技概念且購買力極強的群體所接受,取得了很好的銷售成績,但卻未跟上LTE的腳步,三星、LG甚至Pantech都在借機蠶食其韓國手機市場份額。
本文下一頁:參考英文原文:Nokia Clings to Life in APAC as Indigenous Vendors Grow Share of Handset Market
編譯:Mayze Ye
• Galaxy銷量飆升,三星創(chuàng)59億美元盈利新高
• 聯(lián)發(fā)科:讓千元智能機擁有iPhone 4S的功能
• 放放鴿子裁裁員,RIM今年也就這樣了?sSMesmc
Nokia Clings to Life in APAC as Indigenous Vendors Grow Share of Handset Market
The Asian handset market is expected to shrug off the global economic malaise and deliver growth in the range of 6.9% year on year, reaching 624 million by the end of 2012. “The Asian handset market has a lot going for it”, said Jake Saunders, VP for forecasting at ABI Research. The growth is not just coming from developed markets like Korea and Japan but also China, Indonesia, and India.
ABI Research estimate 203 million handsets will be sold in India in 2012 for an 11.2% growth YoY; while Indonesia should notch up 57 million handsets, and 16% growth in the same time-frame. While Nokia clung onto 37% market-share in India in 2011, Samsung, G'Five, Micromax, Karbonn, and Spice are not far behind. In Indonesia, Nokia’s market-share shrank to 21% as Samsung, RIM, Nexian, HT Mobile, and Cross made inroads.
4G is very much taking hold, with Korea and Japan gaining the lead. In Korea, operators LG U+, SK Telecom, and KT commenced commercial services in early 2012. The operators are selling LTE dongles, LTE-enabled tablets, and also smartphones. This is one market where Apple is starting to see a reversal in fortunes as Korean prosumers pile into stores to sign up for LTE subscription plans. Apple’s iPhone sold well in 2010 and 2011 with a discerning and tech-aware Korean buying public, however, in lieu of a LTE-capable iPhone, Samsung, LG, and even Pantech, have been able to pick up additional sales volume.