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上一波裁員風(fēng)波過去沒多久,近日,風(fēng)口浪尖的諾基亞又做出了一系列艱難的決定:全球手機(jī)部門將裁員五分之一(約一萬人),并解除三名高管的職務(wù)(分別為首席營銷官Jerri DeVard、手機(jī)部門負(fù)責(zé)人Mary McDowell、市場部負(fù)責(zé)人Niklas Savander)。 但投資者似乎并不認(rèn)為此舉能夠咸魚翻身,紛紛迅速拋售該公司股票,導(dǎo)致其市值在盤中縮水16%以上。 在公司陷入危機(jī)之際,諾基亞首席執(zhí)行官艾洛普(Elop)可能原想通過此舉顯示自己具備果斷的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力。但今天的聲明并沒有澄清公司的未來前景, 也沒有證明公司將有能力轉(zhuǎn)危為安。對于此次裁員和高管調(diào)整,業(yè)內(nèi)不少人士認(rèn)為為何不是Elop引咎辭職,而是把責(zé)任推給其他高管或者員工? Elop自2010年出任諾基亞CEO之后,沒有給諾基亞帶來任何好轉(zhuǎn)的跡象,特別是產(chǎn)品方面,目前的戰(zhàn)略是失敗的。最新的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,諾基亞手機(jī)第一季度總的出貨量下降了24%,三星手機(jī)的銷量也順勢將其超越,諾基亞長達(dá)14年的手機(jī)市場霸主地位就此宣告終結(jié)。


投資者以前見過其它公司采取這樣的重組措施,知道這會把諾基亞引向何方。盡管Lumia手機(jī)在市場上取得一定的成功,但到本年度結(jié)束時,諾基亞的營業(yè)收入和股票市值都將大幅縮小,前途將更加未卜。 之所以做出這種消極的評估,是因為有一些令人沮喪的前車之鑒。諾基亞目前所采取的種種行動,與其它企業(yè)曾經(jīng)的做法異常相似。這些企業(yè)也曾經(jīng)在各自的市場領(lǐng)域占據(jù)統(tǒng)治地位,最后緩慢走向式微。 為了對抗蘋果以及其他使用Android系統(tǒng)的手機(jī)廠商,諾基亞甚至不惜放棄Symbian而選擇攜手微軟,不遺余力推出的Lumia智能手機(jī),但是Lumia第一季度全球出貨量僅為220萬臺,比起蘋果iPhone的3510萬臺還是遜色了不少。同時,諾基亞已經(jīng)連續(xù)四個季度凈利潤出現(xiàn)虧損,而股價更是大幅下滑。6月15日,諾基亞股價大跌18%,創(chuàng)造了歷史新低,也使得諾基亞的市值第一次跌破100億美元大關(guān),要知道諾基亞鼎盛時期的市值可是高達(dá)3000億歐元,不得不感慨一下,諾基亞“墮落”的速度實在有點驚人! 雖然諾基亞不太可能消失在科技產(chǎn)業(yè)歷史的垃圾堆中,但Elop迄今采取的裁員、調(diào)整管理層以及其它戰(zhàn)略舉措,讓我想起Palm、摩托羅拉、北電網(wǎng)絡(luò)、朗訊等諸多輝煌一時的科技巨頭的類似行動,他們都錯誤解讀了市場,最終被打入冷宮。黑莓手機(jī)生產(chǎn)商Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM)處境差不多,迄今為止的重組行動沒并有取得預(yù)期效果。 本文授權(quán)編譯自EBN Online,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 本文下一頁:最擔(dān)心的是諾基亞的供應(yīng)商們

蘋果、RIM爭奪4FF nano-SIM規(guī)格設(shè)計主導(dǎo)權(quán)

{pagination} 據(jù)悉,此次裁員,諾基亞計劃在2013年年底前節(jié)約16億歐元的生產(chǎn)成本,不過重組費(fèi)用就將耗費(fèi)10億歐元左右,如此看來,諾基亞很可能會竹籃打水一場空,白忙一場。 Lumia手機(jī)系列原本被諾基亞看做翻身之作,目前看來并未達(dá)到預(yù)期的效果。如果業(yè)績繼續(xù)惡化,Elop除了只會裁員之外,最后的絕招估計就只剩把諾基亞賣了,而微軟則是大家都“認(rèn)可”的買家。不過還存在一種可能,Elop被諾基亞董事會掃地出門,隨后出現(xiàn)一位像喬布斯一樣的人物,將諾基亞從水深火熱中拯救出來。 如果這種論斷聽起來顯得刺耳,那么請回顧一下諾基亞的銷售變化軌跡,并更仔細(xì)地觀察其它一些更重要的因素,比如為什么諾基亞成為今天這個樣子、對手是什么情況、市場中的重大變化、諾基亞的主要對手(蘋果,三星和HTC)、如何才能恢復(fù)競爭力。 另外,考慮以下事實,諾基亞現(xiàn)在裁員和重組業(yè)務(wù)(這是為了生存而采取的必要行動),也會打擊員工士氣,并向代工廠商和供應(yīng)商以及其它第三方輔助公司發(fā)出關(guān)于其前途的混亂信號。而諾基亞的未來成長離不開這些公司的支持。 例如,諾基亞在通訊IC市場中的供應(yīng)商還記得,當(dāng)摩托羅拉每況愈下的時候,他們的盈利水平和長期生存能力受到嚴(yán)重威脅。他們現(xiàn)在明白,必須拋棄諾基亞,轉(zhuǎn)而向其競爭對手提供運(yùn)營與產(chǎn)品支持。隨著諾基亞搖搖欲墜,它生存所需的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)正面臨壓力并急于尋找退路。 這意味著,關(guān)鍵的內(nèi)部工程師將投奔諾基亞的競爭對手,而為諾基亞Lumia等其它未來產(chǎn)品開發(fā)應(yīng)用的軟件公司,也將倒戈,改向諾基亞競爭對手提供更多的資源,然后才會考慮諾基亞的需求。供應(yīng)鏈中的公司已經(jīng)開始感受到這種諾基亞效應(yīng)。例如,DSP芯片廠商Ceva Inc.最近下調(diào)了2012年營業(yè)收入與利潤目標(biāo),原因是“關(guān)鍵客戶諾基亞的銷售情況弱于預(yù)期”。現(xiàn)在許多供應(yīng)商感覺,可能被諾基亞這個即將倒下的巨人砸死。 本文授權(quán)編譯自EBN Online,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 本文下一頁:最該裁的是諾基亞的CEO!

蘋果、RIM爭奪4FF nano-SIM規(guī)格設(shè)計主導(dǎo)權(quán)

{pagination} 可以這樣設(shè)想:諾基亞已經(jīng)在“吃老本”,不論裁減多少人和如何重組管理層,也不會向市場發(fā)出更利好的信息。今天的聲明無非證實了:諾基亞的燒錢速度快于掙錢速度。諾基亞在新聞稿中表示,預(yù)計“2012年第二季度基于非國際財務(wù)報告準(zhǔn)則(non-IFRS)的設(shè)備與服務(wù)營業(yè)利潤率將低于2012年第一季度的負(fù)3.0%。原來的預(yù)期是接近或低于2012年第一季度的負(fù)3.0%”。 同時,“諾基亞預(yù)期產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭情況將在2012年第三季度繼續(xù)對設(shè)備與服務(wù)業(yè)務(wù)造成負(fù)面影響”。它還應(yīng)該加上一句:年內(nèi)情況不會有太大改善。在諾基亞今天發(fā)表聲明以前,分析師已經(jīng)把2012年諾基亞營業(yè)收入預(yù)估調(diào)降到了492億美元(390億歐元)左右。如果他們的預(yù)測是正確的(我認(rèn)為實際營業(yè)收入將會更低),營業(yè)收入將與2011年持平,低于2011年的420億歐元,而2008年高達(dá)507億歐元。 裁員將降低諾基亞的盈虧平衡目標(biāo),并減輕其資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表所面臨的壓力。目前保存現(xiàn)金正在成為nokia的優(yōu)先目標(biāo)。裁員難以根治真正折磨諾基亞的病根,其癥結(jié)在于無力追趕蘋果和三星的步伐,而且不明智地決定突然中斷基于塞班操作系統(tǒng)的產(chǎn)品,轉(zhuǎn)而采用Windows OS。此舉讓諾基亞立即陷入困境,為此應(yīng)該裁掉首席執(zhí)行官艾洛普才對。


編譯:Luffy Liu 本文授權(quán)編譯自EBN Online,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 本文下一頁:參考英文原文:Nokia job cuts don't and won't impress anyone,by Bolaji Ojo

蘋果、RIM爭奪4FF nano-SIM規(guī)格設(shè)計主導(dǎo)權(quán)

{pagination} Nokia job cuts don't and won't impress anyone Bolaji Ojo The announcement earlier today by Nokia Corp. that it will eliminate one of every five jobs in its mobile handset division and remove three senior executives didn't impress investors who promptly dumped the stock, driving down the company's market value by more than 15 percent in intraday trading. CEO Stephen Elop might have meant to signal resolute leadership in the midst of an ongoing crisis at the wireless handset vendor but nothing in today's announcement adds clarity to what the future holds for the company or confirm it will be able to right the sinking ship. Investors have seen reorganization actions like these before at other endangered companies and they know where it's leading Nokia. By the end of the current year, Nokia will be a much smaller company on a revenue and stock valuation basis and its future will be even more in doubt notwithstanding the modest success its Lumia phone has recorded in the market. There's some disheartening history behind this tough assessment. The actions instituted by Nokia are eerily similar to steps taken by other enterprises that slowly diminished in importance after once-dominating their market sectors. While it is unlikely Nokia would disappear into technology's historical bin, the job cuts, management changes and other strategic initiatives implemented so far by Elop reminds me of similar actions taken by Palm Inc., Motorola Inc., Nortel Networks, Lucent Technologies and many other former tech giants that misread their markets and tumbled into oblivion. Blackberry maker {complink 4644|Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM)} is in a similar funk and its reorganization efforts so far have not paid off as expected. If this assessment appears harsh, follow the trajectory of Nokia's sales but look more closely at other more important factors, including why the company is where it is today, what is happening at rivals, the monumental changes occurring in its market, the rivals it faces (Apple, Samsung, HTC) and what could make it competitive again. Also, consider the fact that while Nokia is cutting jobs and reorganizing operations (necessary actions if it is to survive) it is also demoralizing employees, sending mixed signals about its future to contractors and suppliers as well as other third-party support companies it requires for future growth. By now, Nokia suppliers in the communications IC market, for instance, who recall how their profitability and long-term viability were horribly threatened as companies like Motorola declined know by now they've got to pull up the stakes and throw operational and product support behind rivals. As Nokia totters, the eco-system it needs to survive is feeling the heat and rushing for the exit. This means critical internal engineering employees will be firing off resumes to Nokia rivals while application developers the company needs to support the role out of services for the Lumia and other devices in the pipeline will devote more resources first to rivals before considering the wounded company. The Nokia-effect is already being felt at companies in its extended supply chain. DSP chip vendor Ceva Inc., for instance, recently slashed its 2012 sales and profits estimate "due to weaker-than-expected sales at key customer Nokia." What many suppliers see now is the possibility of getting crushed under the tottering giant. Consider this: Nokia is a fast fading shadow of its former self and no amount of employee retrenchment and management reshuffling will send the market a different message. What today's announcement confirmed is clearly that the company is burning more money than it is making. Nokia said in a press statement it expects the "non-IFRS Devices & Services operating margin in the second quarter 2012 to be below the first quarter 2012 level of negative 3.0%. This compares to the previous outlook of similar to or below the first quarter level of negative 3.0%" By the way, "Nokia expects competitive industry dynamics to continue to negatively impact Devices & Services in the third quarter of 2012," the company said. It should have added that the situation won't improve that much for the rest of the year. Prior to today's announcement, analysts had reduced their 2012 revenue estimate for Nokia to about $49.2 billion (39 billion euro). If their prediction turns out correct (I think sales will be even lower) that would be flat from 2011, down from 42 billion euro in 2011 and as high as 50.7 billion euro in 2008. The job cuts will reduce the break-even revenue target for Nokia and relieve pressure on the balance sheet at a time cash conservation is becoming a major priority. They won't cure what really ails Nokia and that is its inability to catch up with Apple and Samsung combined with the unwise decision to abruptly terminate Symbian operating system-based products in favor of Windows OS. The move stopped Nokia cold and for that CEO Elop himself deserves the axe.
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