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在一個溫暖、陽光明媚的日子,聯(lián)電(UMC)砸下2,400億興建的南科 Fab 12A 新廠正式動土。據(jù)表示,新廠完工時每月產(chǎn)能將達五萬片 300mm 晶圓,最初將采用 28nm 制程,隨后將轉(zhuǎn)移到 20nm 和 14nm 制程。

在一個溫暖、陽光明媚的日子,聯(lián)電(UMC)砸下2,400億興建的南科 Fab 12A 新廠正式動土。據(jù)表示,新廠完工時每月產(chǎn)能將達五萬片 300mm 晶圓,最初將采用 28nm 制程,隨后將轉(zhuǎn)移到 20nm 和 14nm 制程。該公司預計2013下半年開始裝機。
該廠將包含53,000mm2M的無塵室──該面積足夠容納十座足球場。這座新廠將座落在聯(lián)電現(xiàn)有的高階晶圓廠旁,目前這座晶圓廠已開始量產(chǎn)28nm Poly SiON制程,并已出貨了數(shù)千片使用該制程的晶圓樣品。聯(lián)電CEO 孫世偉預估,今年底28nm技術(shù)將占其總銷售額的5%。 IC Insights 總裁Bill McClean表示,聯(lián)電下一季銷售預估可上升15%,這個成長幅度相當引人矚目,但仍然低于其競爭對手臺積電(TSMC)預估的20%銷售額成長。


包括三百多家供貨商、合作伙伴,以及臺灣政府官員,都希望臺灣最重要的晶圓制造業(yè)務能持續(xù)成長。 盡管像Nvidia和高通(Qualcomm)等公司非??是?8nm制程,但由于這些公司需要最新的制造技術(shù),因此,他們目前仍然是競爭對手臺積電手中的客戶。目前尚不清楚聯(lián)電的Poly制程是否量產(chǎn),或是他們寧愿選擇今年底前才會試產(chǎn)的high-k金屬閘極版本。


去年底,聯(lián)電被 GlobalFoundries 小幅超越,失去晶圓代工第二名的位置。像McClean這類市場觀察家則指出,聯(lián)電最終將下滑到第四名。 “臺積電仍是龍頭,而 GlobalFoundries 和三星(Samsung)則將爭奪第二的位置,”McClean說?!伴L遠來看,聯(lián)電會發(fā)現(xiàn)愈來愈難在技術(shù)上維持領先,”他表示。


然而,孫世偉和聯(lián)電有著自己的立場,這家公司不會試著擊敗臺積電,而是專注于緊密的客戶服務。 孫世偉對于被McClean這類分析師貼上“快速跟隨者”(fast follower)的卷標不予置評?!斑@個產(chǎn)業(yè)中每個人都是跟隨者,我們都跟隨著英特爾的技術(shù)和生產(chǎn)能力,”他表示。 聯(lián)電仍擁有超過其最新廠房面積的土地,有朝一日,它可以在需要時建造更大型的晶圓廠。但問題在于,這家公司是否具備建廠所需的數(shù)十億美元。 聯(lián)電目前的財務狀況看起來還不錯。孫世偉表示,該公司的負債/權(quán)益比為20%,如果需要更多資源,還可以提高到30%。此外,聯(lián)電最近也表示正在研究一個高達6億美元的私募股權(quán)投資案。 聯(lián)電還必須解決許多問題。這家公司必須證明他能量產(chǎn)迄今僅提供測試芯片的20nm制程、開發(fā)14nm制程,包括FinFET在內(nèi),而且必須加快2.5D和 3D芯片的開發(fā)腳步。另外,該公司也同樣面對轉(zhuǎn)移到450nm晶圓以及超紫外光(EUV)微影技術(shù)的挑戰(zhàn),二者都意味著更龐大的投資。 目前,聯(lián)華缺乏像臺積電般的產(chǎn)量、像GlobalFoundries的阿布達比金錢支援,以及像Samsung和IBM等共同開發(fā)共享平臺的合作伙伴支持。 另外,臺灣法規(guī)也限制了聯(lián)電的發(fā)展。根據(jù)法令,公司的外國股權(quán)不能超過10%。這家公司也面臨著與中國合作關(guān)系的限制。 因此,聯(lián)電必須尋找能夠解決技術(shù)、商業(yè)和政策面問題的方法,才能讓未來的發(fā)展道路更加清晰。而就在動土當天,陽光如此明媚、溫暖,看起來,似乎也代表了今年應該是個好年頭的預兆。 編譯: Joy Teng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} Slideshow: Sun shines on UMC's new fab Rick Merritt TAINAN, TAIWAN – It was a good day in a good year for United Microelectronics Corp. Taiwan’s second largest foundry officially broke ground on its latest and largest fab to date. When complete, the $8 billion factory—known as Phase 5 and 6 of Fab 12A--will spit out up to 50,000 300 mm wafers per month starting at 28 nm and eventually moving to 20 and 14 nm processes. The company expects to start installing equipment in the second half of 2013. The fab will contain 53,000 square meters of clean room space—enough to house ten football fields. It will cost UMC as much as it has spent to date on two previous generation fabs that are part of the same complex here. The new plant sits next to UMC’s current high-end fab where the company is ramping up a 28 nm Poly SiON process. The existing fab has already shipped thousands of sample parts using the process, and by the end of the year UMC will log as much as five percent of its sales in 28 nm technology, said chief executive Shi-Wei Sun. The dynamics are driving the company’s upbeat forecast that sales will be up about 15 percent in its next quarter. That’s significant but less impressive than the 20 percent sales growth its rival, the much larger TSMC forecasts, said Bill McClean, president of IC Insights. More than 300 vendors, partners and local dignitaries turned out to wish the island nation’s oldest foundry well on the latest chapter of its growth. Like all such high risk operations at the heart of the electronics industry, it will need all the luck it can get. Although companies such as Nvidia and Qualcomm are crying for 28 nm technology today, they are mainly customers for rival TSMC due to their need for the latest technology. It’s not clear either would use the poly version UMC is ramping now or would prefer the high-K metal gate version it won’t have in pilot production until late this year. It’s anyone’s guess what the demand could be like in two years when the $8 billion plant needs to start paying back on its investment. Larger questions hang over UMC’s long term horizon. The company officially lost its position as a distant second to TSMC late last year when GlobalFoundries edged ahead in quarterly revenues. Market watchers like McClean believe the company will eventually slip to number four. “I still see TSMC as the leader with GlobalFoundries and Samsung fighting it out for number two,” said McClean. “Over the long run, [UMC] is going to find it increasingly difficult to keep up with leading-edge technology,” he said. More than 300 visitors gathered under tents next to UMC's current high-end fab for the groundbreaking ceremonies. Clouds on the horizon As part of a relatively new group of top management that came up the ranks at UMC, Shi-Wei Sun knows his company’s position well. It will not try to beat TSMC, but instead focus on serving customers with closely aligned road maps. Sun shrugs off the negative implications of being tagged a “fast follower” by observers such as McClean in a semiconductor industry where the leaders take the biggest share of the profits. “Everybody in this industry is a follower, we all follow Intel’s technology and manufacturing capability,” he said in conversation after the groundbreaking. UMC has a patch of land beyond its latest construction site where it can someday build a potentially larger fab, its planned Phase 7 and 8. But the big question is whether a #4 player can accumulate the double-digit billions such a plant would require. Currently UMC’s financials look good. The company is funding the current project on its own through a bond issue and other reserves. It has a 20 percent debt to equity ratio and could push it to 30 percent if it needed more resources, Sun said. In addition, the company recently announced it is exploring a private equity investment of up to $600 million. The company will need all that and more to tackle the issues on its horizon. It must get into production a 20 nm process so far demonstrated in a test chip, develop a 14 nm process that includes FinFETs and come up to speed on the new and complex areas of 2.5 and 3-D chip making where it currently manages two collaborative efforts. In addition, it faces a long term migration to 450mm wafers and extreme ultraviolet lithography, both of which carry hefty price tags. Currently, UMC lacks the volumes of TSMC, the deep pockets of GlobalFoundries’ Abu Dhabi backers and the multi-company development support of the Common Platform partners such as Samsung and IBM. UMC is also hamstrung by the policies of its local Taiwan government. It cannot accept foreign equity ownership of more than 10 percent. And it faces restrictions on any collaboration with China, its near and deep-pocketed neighbor that is hungry to establish leading-edge process capabilities. Just how UMC will find its way around the technical, business and policy hurdles ahead is anything but clear. But just for today, the weather in Tainan was warm and sunny, smiles and hearty handshakes were all around and it looks like a good year ahead. The new fab site is already under development (left) as guests arrive for a formal groundbreaking ceremony.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采訪中心主任。Rick的工作地點位于圣何塞,他為EE Times撰寫有關(guān)電子行業(yè)和工程專業(yè)的新聞和分析。 他關(guān)注Android,物聯(lián)網(wǎng),無線/網(wǎng)絡和醫(yī)療設計行業(yè)。 他于1992年加入EE Times,擔任香港記者,并擔任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主編。
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