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 前段時間傳的沸沸揚揚的日本幾大芯片公司:瑞薩,松下,富士通半導體合并事件,雖然尚未實現(xiàn),但根據(jù)《日經新聞》的最新報道,談判還在繼續(xù)。 日經新聞的報道稱,目前的計劃是要求三家芯片聯(lián)手創(chuàng)建一家新公司,專注于系統(tǒng)LSI業(yè)務,而瑞薩可以保留其盈利的MCU業(yè)務。 另據(jù)報道,瑞薩上周四表示,該公司將與臺積電在芯片業(yè)務方面展開合作。合作可能涉及瑞薩將芯片制造業(yè)務外包給臺積電。 在三家公司達成合并協(xié)議之前,有兩件事情一定會發(fā)生: 首先,截至2012年3月31日,瑞薩收入883.11億日元(約合11.1億美元),凈虧損62.60億日元(約合790萬美元)。目前經營狀況不是很好的瑞薩,必須大幅度削減成本支出。根據(jù)日本每日新聞報道,瑞薩可能即將宣布6000人的裁員決定,這將裁減他們15%的員工,節(jié)約年度成本約50億日元(約合630萬美圓)。 瑞薩的重組提議內容必須對其后續(xù)盈利擁有足夠大的影響力,并以此來說服他們的投資者,目前一切安好。瑞薩的發(fā)言人本周證實,瑞薩總裁赤尾泰(Yasushi Akao)將在七月的季度財務發(fā)布會期間,宣布該公司的新經營策略。 第二,盡管日元匯率上漲壓榨了瑞薩日本芯片工廠的利潤,瑞薩卻面臨增加投資,與海外對手競爭的壓力。瑞薩需要大量資金,才能實現(xiàn)這樣急劇的轉型。據(jù)說瑞薩還要求最大的三個股東NEC,日立和三菱,實施財政援助。三菱電機公司總裁Kenichiro Yamanishi在本周早些時候表示:“如果我們收到瑞薩的正式《額外融資要求》,我們將與日立和NEC討論此事。”與此同時,日立和NEC已分別作出明確表態(tài):“他們拒絕提供額外的資金來援助瑞薩!” 因此,似乎瑞薩已經做出了一個承諾——進行比兩年前重大重組,但這一決定前途未卜, 瑞薩再次站在十字路口,生死難料。 至于與臺積電的合作,瑞薩沒有披露合作詳情。瑞薩將于下今日舉行新聞發(fā)布會,屆時或公布與臺積電的合作。瑞薩已經是臺積電和臺聯(lián)電的客戶。 分析師指出,瑞薩已連續(xù)虧損7年,虧損金額達到近60億美元,在升級制造工藝方面落后于競爭對手。臺積電在迅速部署28納米工藝,吸引許多芯片廠商愿意與之合作。 野村證券分析師帕特里克·廖(Patrick Liao)說,“瑞薩并非臺積電的大客戶。我認為,瑞薩與臺積電合作的目的只是確保獲得先進的芯片制造技術?!? 編譯:Luffy Liu 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉載 參考英文原文:Renesas still struggling with restructuring plan, by Junko Yoshida; Reports: Renesas to tie up with TSMC, cut jobs, by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Renesas still struggling with restructuring plan Junko Yoshida TOKYO – While the merger of Japan’s largest chip companies has yet to materialize, negotiations continue among Renasas, Panasonic and Fujitsu Semiconductor, according to the latest reports here. Nikkei Shimbun, Japan’s economic journal, reports that the current plan calls for the three chips makes to join forces to create a new company focusing on the system LSI business while Renasas retains its profitable MCU business. Renasas will announce a partnership on Monday (May 28) with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. "regarding the two companies' collaboration on MCU," according to a Renesas spokeswoman. Before the three companies can strike a deal, two things must happen. First, ailing Renesas must make drastic cuts. The proposed restructuring must be big enough to have a meaningful impact on its profitability while at the same time convincing the financial community that it has its house in order. The Renesas spokeswoman confirmed this week that Renesas President Yasushi Akao is scheduled to announce the company's new business strategy during its quarterly financial release in July. Second, Renesas reportedly needs substantial financing before it can pull off the drastic restructuring. NEC, Hitachi and Mitsubishi, the three major Renesas shareholders, are reportedly being asked to help with financial assistance. Kenichiro Yamanishi, president of Mitsubishi Electric, said earlier this week: “If we receive an official request [for additional financing] from Renesas, we will discuss the matter together with Hitachi and NEC.” Meanwhile, both Hitachi and NEC have each made it clear they have no intention to offering additional financing to Renesas. Therefore, it appears Renesas – which has promised a major restructuring over the last two years but has yet to deliver – again stands at a crossroads, fighting for its survival. Reports: Renesas to tie up with TSMC, cut jobs Peter Clarke HELSINKI, Finland – Renesas Electronics Corp., Japan's largest maker of logic chips, is expected to announce business partnership with foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. for the production of chips on Monday (May 28), according to reports. Renesas reportedly confirmed it will tie-up with TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan) but provided no details. The move to outsource more chip production is seen as a move to combat heavy losses made by the company. According to The Japan Daily Press there is speculation that Renesas could be about to announce the elimination of 6,000 job, or about 15 percent of the workforce in an attempt to cut annual costs by 50 billion yen (about $630 million). For the year ended March 31, 2012, Renesas made a net loss of 62.60 billion yen (about $790 million) on revenue of 883.11 billion yen (about $11.1 billion). The financial year was overshadowed by the consequences of the Great Japan earthquake of March 11, 2011, which closed a number of Renesas facilities and which saw a number of automobile manufacturers facing a lack of microcontroller supply. Renesas has been working with both Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and GlobalFoundries as strategic partners for some time and moved a lot of microcontroller production out to its "fab network."
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