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美普思科技本周一推出了新一代微處理器核心,命名為 Aptiv 。與 ARM 的中階 A15 核心相比, MIPS 新核心的芯片尺寸和消耗能源都更小。

美普思科技(MIPS Technologies)本周一推出了新一代微處理器核心,命名為 Aptiv 。與 ARM 的中階 A15 核心相比, MIPS 新核心的芯片尺寸和消耗能源都更小。 MIPS 希望能藉由推出新核心,讓公司回到正常發(fā)展軌道。在競爭激烈的微處理器IP市場中,“我們將再次獲得領先地位”,MIPS 營銷副總裁Gideon Intrater說。 然而,MIPS現(xiàn)在仍佇足在十字路口前。部份分析師認為, Aptiv 問世的時程是有點晚了。 事實上,一直到本周推出新產(chǎn)品,MIPS已經(jīng)有兩年沒有推出新的核心了。但在這款期間內(nèi),其競爭對手ARM 則不斷地忙于推出一系列的新微處理器核心。 為何MIPS遲遲未推出產(chǎn)品?是這個技術領先者開始落后了嗎?有一種解釋,認為MIPS在2007年收購模擬混合訊號IP供貨商ChipIdea之后,這筆交易顯然讓MIPS產(chǎn)生了巨大的分歧。依照MIPS的規(guī)劃,該公司打算藉由建構(gòu)強大的IP工廠(IP arsenal),為客戶提供”虛擬SoC”──最終MIPS希望超越微處理器核心范疇,進一步對ARM發(fā)起挑戰(zhàn)。然而,經(jīng)過十八個月,MIPS與 ChipIdea的婚姻宣告終結(jié)?!爱斘覀儧Q定在2009年出售Chipidea時,我們就已經(jīng)確定把微處理器核心作為我們的發(fā)展重點,”Intrater說。 此外,MIPS也面臨著另一個更大的動蕩因素:該公司出售的可能性。業(yè)界近來頻頻推測MIPS可能會出售,對于這些揣測,MIPS既不證實也不否認。The Benchmark Company的資深研究分析師Gary Mobley認為,MIPS公司出售“是非常有可能的,”因為過去十年來,MIPS已經(jīng)被許多買主探詢過。 在這樣的背景條件 下,MIPS將賭注押在Aptiv上,試圖藉此扭轉(zhuǎn)乾坤。Aptiv系列包含了高性能的 proAptiv 、多執(zhí)行序的 interAptiv ,以及高效率的 microAptiv,是該公司過去三年來投注在研發(fā)上的努力成果。Aptiv系列能滿足移動、家庭娛樂、網(wǎng)絡和嵌入式應用等跨產(chǎn)業(yè)需求,其中,MIPS 最關注的焦點,就是移動市場。 “我們都看到手機市場的規(guī)模如此龐大,這個市場的重要性不言可喻,”Intrater說?!凹词刮覀儍H在其中獲得極小的占有率,但對我們來說,它使一個很大的區(qū)別?!?然而,一個與$64,000美元關聯(lián)最大的問題就是:如果你已經(jīng)拿到了ARM的授權(如果你也身處移動市場,這非常有可能),那么,你現(xiàn)在為何還要考慮MIPS的授權? MIPS的Intrater指出,“許多公司都一直在升級他們的核心。我們認為,Aptiv能為他們提供轉(zhuǎn)換到MIPS核心的足夠理由?!?《EE Times》為此詢問了部份界人士,請他們分析MIPS能否藉由推出新核心扭轉(zhuǎn)局面,以及最主要的理由又是什么。


本文下一頁:MIPS可以翻身的四個理由 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 1. 業(yè)界需要維持健康的競爭 Linley集團資深分析師J. Scott Gardner解釋道:“CPU核心授權供貨商之間的良性競爭,對SoC開發(fā)人員而言是必要的。在大多數(shù)應用中, MIPS 都是ARM的最可行替代方案?!?“盡管ARM的規(guī)模已經(jīng)遠大于MIPS,但無疑地,MIPS的Aptiv核心確實可作為客戶與ARM談判的一種籌碼。” Jon Peddie Research公司總裁Jon Peddie表示,“你會需要第二供貨來源?!钡仓赋觯骸斑@將取決于你使用的平臺。手機對MIPS而言難度很高;平板電腦稍好一些,而游戲機、機上盒、工業(yè)控制、路由器、汽車等對MIPS來說機會比較大?!?2. 重點是電源效率和成本 根據(jù)EEMBC CoreMark的測試性能預估,Aptiv系列“應該能提供優(yōu)于ARM目前提供之任何一款核心的每MHz性能,”Gardner說?!癙roAptiv 的CoreMark/MHz性能要比Cortex-A9高出50%,而微處理器報告(Microprocessor Report)也預計,ProAptiv的CoreMark/MHz分數(shù)也將優(yōu)于Cortex-A15。更高的IPC應該能操作在比ARM核心更低的頻率 功率條件下。針對這些應用,電源效率和成本已經(jīng)成為產(chǎn)品差異化的關鍵因素。” 換句話說,“在與采用Cortex-A15的SoC的系統(tǒng)相比時,采用MIPS Aptiv的SoC設計師應該能在相同的硅芯片面積和功耗預算條件下整合近乎兩倍的CPU核心,”Gardner說。 3. 輝煌的歷史與齊全的產(chǎn)品線 在 Peddie的心中,MIPS“強大的指令集,以及該公司是首家提供64位工作站與服務器產(chǎn)品的昔日榮耀”仍然是今天MIPS產(chǎn)品應該被開發(fā)人員考慮的主要原因之一。此外,“MIPS也是唯一一家為Sony PS2的Emotion引擎提供128位處理器的公司,”他說。MIPS同時提供從8位到64位的完整產(chǎn)品線。 4. 中國因素 另一個必須考慮MIPS的理由,或許是當前MIPS核心在中國的影響力。Peddie指出,“中國本土的Loongson(龍芯)處理器正是采用MIPS核心。如果你也和我一樣,認為指令集的兼容性非常重要,那么,MIPS贏得中國市場就不是沒有道理的?!? 編譯: Joy Teng 本文授權編譯自EE Times,版權所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 參考英文原文: Four reasons why MIPS new cores may make it relevant again ,by Junko Yoshida


{pagination} Four reasons why MIPS new cores may make it relevant again Junko Yoshida NEW YORK – MIPS Technologies rolled out this week a new generation of microprocessor cores called Aptiv. With the new cores’ smaller die size and reduced energy consumption compared to ARM’s midrange core like A15, MIPS is hoping that the new family of cores can put the company back on track. “We will gain leadership again” on the competitive microprocessor IP market, according to Gideon Intrater, vice president of marketing at MIPS. “We believe that Aptiv can beat A15 by a large margin.” MIPS is at a crossroads, however. Some analysts see Aptiv arriving in the market a little too late. Indeed, until this week, MIPS had not introduced new cores for two years. Meanwhile, its rival ARM busily pumped out a series of new microprocessor cores. Why did MIPS, once a technology leader, fall behind? One explanation is MIPS’s acquisition of ChipIdea, an analog and mixed-signal IP supplier, in 2007. This deal apparently posed a huge distraction. MIPS’ plan then was to offer its customers a ‘virtual SoC’ by creating a strong IP arsenal – going beyond microprocessor cores – to mount a challenge to ARM. The marriage ended, however, after 18 months. “Once we decided to sell ChipIdea in 2009, we were able to put an emphasis back on microprocessor core development,” said Intrater. MIPS is also facing an even bigger upheaval: the company’s potential sale. Recent speculation that “MIPS is up for sale” has not died down, and MIPS has neither confirmed nor denied the reports. Gary Mobley, senior research analyst at The Benchmark Company, calls the sale “a distinct possibility,” as MIPS has been shopped around at various times in the past 10 years. But he added: “It is important to note that if the company intends to sell, it better do so soon before potential licensees grow more concerned regarding MIPS’ long-term processor roadmap.” Against this backdrop, MIPS is betting on Aptiv to turn things around. The Aptiv family, consisting of high-performance proAptiv, multi-threaded interAptiv and highly-efficient microAptiv, is the fruit of the company’s substantial investment and development efforts over the last three years. While the Aptiv family addresses distinct performance levels for applications across mobile, home entertainment, networking and embedded, MIPS’s focus is squarely on mobile. “We see the mobile market the most important, because of sheer size,” said Intrater. “Even if we get a small share, it makes a big difference.” But then, the $64,000 question is: If you are already an ARM licensee (most likely you are, if you are in the mobile market), why even consider licensing MIPS now? MIPS’ Intrater said, “Companies are upgrading their cores all the time. We think that our Aptiv can give them compelling reasons to switch to MIPS core.” EE Times asked a few industry analysts for their opinions. 1. Need to keep the competition healthy J. Scott Gardner, a senior analyst at The Linley Group explained: “SoC developers need healthy competition among the suppliers of licensable CPU cores. MIPS is the most viable alternative to ARM for most of these applications. “Even though ARM has grown much larger than MIPS, the ARM licensees will undoubtedly give some consideration to MIPS Aptiv as a way to differentiate products and perhaps gain negotiating leverage with ARM.” Jon Peddie, President of Jon Peddie Research, said, “You need to have a second source.” But he added: “It depends on the platform. Mobile phones will be a tough sell, tablets are better, Game consoles, STBs, industrial controls, routers, automotive, etc. are opportunities for MIPS.” 2. It’s all about power efficiency and cost Based on published EEMBC CoreMark performance estimates, the Aptiv family “should deliver better performance per MHz than any of the cores currently offered by ARM,” according to Gardner. “The ProAptiv has 50% higher CoreMark/MHz than Cortext-A9, and Microprocessor Report expects that ProAptiv will have significantly-higher CoreMark/MHz scores than Cortex-A15. The higher IPC should allow operation at a lower frequency and power than competing ARM cores. For many of these applications, power efficiency and cost have become the primary differentiators.” In other words, “When compared to systems based on Cortex-A15, an SoC designer using MIPS Aptiv should be able to integrate almost twice as many CPU cores into the same silicon area and power budget,” Gardner explained. 3. Heritage and range In Peddie’s mind, MIPS’ “powerful instruction set with a heritage going back to the first 64-bit workstations and servers” should still be one of the big reasons to consider MIPS even today. Further, “MIPS is the only 128-bit processor – Sony’s Emotion engine in the PS2,” he said. MIPS also offers “a good range of products with flexibility from 8-bit to 64 bit,” Peddie added. 4. China factor Not to be missed in considering MIPS is perhaps MIPS cores’ impact in China. Peddie noted that “Chinese home grown Loongson processor is based on MIPS, and if you think having instruction-set compatibility with it is important (and I do) then it’s a slam dunk no brainer.”
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球聯(lián)席總編輯,首席國際特派記者。曾任把口記者(beat reporter)和EE Times主編的Junko Yoshida現(xiàn)在把更多時間用來報道全球電子行業(yè),尤其關注中國。 她的關注重點一直是新興技術和商業(yè)模式,新一代消費電子產(chǎn)品往往誕生于此。 她現(xiàn)在正在增加對中國半導體制造商的報道,撰寫關于晶圓廠和無晶圓廠制造商的規(guī)劃。 此外,她還為EE Times的Designlines欄目提供汽車、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)和無線/網(wǎng)絡服務相關內(nèi)容。 自1990年以來,她一直在為EE Times提供內(nèi)容。
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