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蘋果、三星或其它廠商遲早將會推出結(jié)合智能手機與平板電腦的所謂“PhonePad”、“SmartPad”等產(chǎn)品。這樣一來,我就可以略過平板電腦,直接去買下一代的 PhonePad ,而且繼續(xù)使用我喜愛的筆記本電腦。

IHS iSupply公司近日分享了一則有趣的分析報告,其中提到蘋果iPhone 4S正是蘋果公司在主導(dǎo)平板電腦市場時面臨的最大挑戰(zhàn): “由于許多死忠的蘋果用戶選擇了閃亮的更新款替代產(chǎn)品,使得 iPad 產(chǎn)品系列在第四季的出貨量低于IHS公司原先的預(yù)期,”IHS iSuppli公司負責(zé)平板電腦與監(jiān)視器研究的資深經(jīng)理Rhoda Alexander指出。“然而,讓蘋果粉絲們改變心意的主要替代選擇并不是該市場的另一競爭產(chǎn)品── Kindle Fire ──而是蘋果公司自家的 iPhone 4S 智能手機。 iPhone 4S 在去年十月推出后讓蘋果買家手中可自由運用的預(yù)算產(chǎn)生激烈競爭,其于限制 iPad出貨量成長的影響更甚于來自Kindle Fire與其它平板產(chǎn)品的競爭?!?/i> 另外,我不確定蘋果公司是否還看到了這一趨勢的變化。(請參考:平板過后又是智能機,為啥受傷的總是PC? ) 也許我只是極度地想為自己對于筆記本電腦的情結(jié)找到一個借口,但這看來何嘗不是一個非常有趣的發(fā)展趨勢呢?蘋果公司由于發(fā)明 iPad 開啟了對于平板電腦的市場需求,同時也獲得了業(yè)界的贊嘆與掌聲。雖然 iPhone 并不是第一款開發(fā)出來的智能手機,但它確實對于行動電話市場帶來強大的競爭壓力。而今, iPhone 已經(jīng)不只是從RIM、Nokia或其它智能手機市場瓜分了市占率,它還帶走了蘋果公司自家產(chǎn)品的市占率…… 根據(jù)IHS iSuppli公司表示,這就像是在雷達屏幕上隨時可能出現(xiàn)的那種瞬間光點。蘋果計劃在第二季推出 iPad 3 ,同時將為其加進一些 iPhone 的功能,包括 Siri 語音接口。研究人員還表示下一款 iPad 將配備一款殺手級的新型顯示器。而其它報導(dǎo)也指出新款 iPad 尺寸將從現(xiàn)有版本所用的9.7吋顯示器縮小到接近8吋。(請參考:蘋果iPad轉(zhuǎn)用小屏,幕后另有隱情) 蘋果所采用的智能行銷手法可能是讓不同版本的 iPad 和 iPhone繼續(xù)滲透市場一段時間。但我認為,蘋果、三星或其它廠商遲早將會推出結(jié)合智能手機與平板電腦的所謂“PhonePad”、“SmartPad”等產(chǎn)品。 這樣一來,對于是否應(yīng)該為自己添購一款平板電腦這個問題,我就再也不必傷腦筋了。我可以略過平板電腦,直接去買下一代的 PhonePad ,而且繼續(xù)使用我喜愛的筆記本電腦。 編譯:Susan Hong 本文授權(quán)編譯自EBN Online,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 參考英文原文:Smartphone Surge Heralds End of Tablet Era?,by Barbara Jorgensen, EBN Community Editor

互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司做OS Vs.本土化Andriod OSM6pesmc

{pagination} Smartphone Surge Heralds End of Tablet Era? Barbara Jorgensen, EBN Community Editor An interesting item came across my laptop from IHS iSuppli today. It's a release that suggests Apple's iPhone 4S is the biggest challenge to Apple's dominance in the tablet market: "Shipments of the iPad line fell short of IHS estimates in the fourth quarter as many loyal Apple customers devoted their dollars to shiny new alternatives," said Rhoda Alexander, senior manager, tablet and monitor research for IHS. "However, the primary alternative wasn't the Kindle Fire -- which debuted to solid sales in the fourth quarter -- but Apple's own iPhone 4S smartphone. The rollout of the iPhone 4S in October generated intense competition for Apple purchasers’ disposable income, doing more to limit iPad shipment growth than competition from the Kindle Fire and other media tablets." I'm not sure even Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) saw that one coming. (See: Smartphone Surge Heralds End of PC Era.) Maybe I'm just desperate to legitimize my attachment to my laptop, but this is a very interesting development. Apple is credited with creating demand for tablets by inventing the iPad. Although the iPhone wasn't the first smartphone developed, it has certainly given the cellphone market a run for its money. But now the iPhone isn't stealing share away from RIM, Nokia, or others... it's stealing it away from Apple. According to IHS iSuppli, this is likely a momentary blip on the radar screen. Apple's iPad 3 is set to debut in Q2 and will include a number of features of the iPhone, including the Siri voice interface. The researcher also says the next iPad will feature a killer new display. Other reports have the next version scaled down in size, from the current 9.7-inch display to something closer to 8 inches. (See: Behind Apple's Alleged Move to Small Screens.) Smart marketing strategy (and we all know Apple is smart) dictates that various flavors of the iPad and iPhone will continue to trickle out for some time. But I think sooner, rather than later, Apple, or Samsung, or somebody will introduce the PhonePad, the SmartPad, or some other creature. Then I won't have to agonize anymore about whether I should add a tablet to my device collection. I can skip right over the tablet to the next version of the phone... and continue to love my laptop.
Barbara Jorgensen
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