
向右滑動(dòng):上一篇 向左滑動(dòng):下一篇 我知道了


前往日本橫濱采訪 2011年嵌入式技術(shù)展會(huì)(Embedded Technology 2011)時(shí),筆者不由自主地發(fā)現(xiàn)到,日本電子產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展走向在311大地震之后出現(xiàn)了很大的改變,廠商們不約而同將焦點(diǎn)集中在“智能家庭(smart home)”這個(gè)議題。

前往日本橫濱采訪 2011年嵌入式技術(shù)展會(huì)(Embedded Technology 2011)時(shí),筆者不由自主地發(fā)現(xiàn)到,日本電子產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展走向在311大地震之后出現(xiàn)了很大的改變,廠商們不約而同將焦點(diǎn)集中在“智能家庭(smart home)”這個(gè)議題。 像智能家庭、智能城市…等等概念,已經(jīng)不再只是日本學(xué)界為了申請(qǐng)補(bǔ)助而提出的天馬行空想象,也不是日本官方經(jīng)濟(jì)產(chǎn)業(yè)省(Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,MEITI)主導(dǎo)推動(dòng)的產(chǎn)業(yè)項(xiàng)目。當(dāng)然,學(xué)界與官方并沒(méi)有放棄這個(gè)發(fā)展方向,遠(yuǎn)非如此。 從這場(chǎng)嵌入式技術(shù)展會(huì)上可明顯看出,基于震后復(fù)興需求以及危機(jī)意識(shí),科技業(yè)者正以前所未有的嚴(yán)肅態(tài)度看待“智能家庭”這個(gè)概念,因此他們積極尋求能讓民眾在家中或社區(qū)中,智能地“控制、保全、儲(chǔ)存與分配能源”的嵌入式技術(shù)。 根據(jù)EETimes日本版編輯石田(Masaya Ishida)的觀察,日本的“智能家庭”概念不同于美國(guó)由公用事業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu)主導(dǎo)的“智能電網(wǎng)”相關(guān)議題;雖然在這個(gè)概念之下,也包含了由公用事業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu)所提供的不間斷能源,但進(jìn)一步詮釋所謂的“智能家庭”,更好的說(shuō)法可能是具備“能源獨(dú)立(energy-independent)”或是“永續(xù)性能源(sustainable-energy)”能力的家庭。 也就是說(shuō),賦予每個(gè)裝置與系統(tǒng)“智能控制”的功能,讓一般消費(fèi)者能為家庭或工作上使用的每一臺(tái)嵌入式系統(tǒng),實(shí)現(xiàn)自己訂定的能源消耗量與節(jié)能標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。此外,所謂的“能源獨(dú)立”家庭,則是構(gòu)想能把每天節(jié)省下來(lái)的能源,儲(chǔ)存在電動(dòng)車的燃料電池里。 石田提醒我,有很多日本人是住在大城市里的,因此他們只會(huì)在周末開(kāi)車出游,平日上班通勤則是搭乘大眾交通運(yùn)輸工具;這樣的生活習(xí)性衍生了將能源儲(chǔ)存在家用車的概念,也就是在用電離峰時(shí)間進(jìn)行充電,然后在用電尖峰時(shí)間將能源智能分配至家里的所有裝置。 從震災(zāi)后用電吃緊所學(xué)到的教訓(xùn) 今年夏天,日本實(shí)施了限電措施(原因之一是福島核電廠停擺),讓日本企業(yè)、工廠、零售商店與一般消費(fèi)者學(xué)到了關(guān)于“堅(jiān)持不懈”的寶貴經(jīng)驗(yàn)(因?yàn)榧夥鍟r(shí)間限制 用電,禁止開(kāi)啟街上的霓虹燈招牌,公共場(chǎng)所的手扶梯也關(guān)閉,并要求辦公室與商店減少日光燈管的使用,工廠生產(chǎn)線也得在假日運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)),以及如何身體力行、節(jié)省每一毫瓦用電。 在日本民眾自豪于今年夏天達(dá)成了全國(guó)“節(jié)能目標(biāo)”的同時(shí),也積極為冬天的來(lái)臨作準(zhǔn)備;在這個(gè)季節(jié)對(duì)能源的需求量肯定會(huì)比夏天更高。而這一次,當(dāng)?shù)仉娮赢a(chǎn)業(yè)的新目標(biāo)是讓節(jié)省能源對(duì)每個(gè)人來(lái)說(shuō)都“輕而易舉”,而不是要求每個(gè)人“堅(jiān)持不懈”。 產(chǎn)業(yè)界發(fā)現(xiàn),解決問(wèn)題的答案可能在于嵌入式技術(shù);他們要將每一種想象得到的智能元素嵌入家庭、辦公室與社區(qū)應(yīng)用的各式電子裝置中,包括智能能源控制、智能節(jié)能以及高效率能源儲(chǔ)存,還有智能能源分配技術(shù)等等。 本文下一頁(yè):智能屋
• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 智能屋


上圖是福岡智能屋聯(lián)盟(The Fukuoka Smart House Consortium)所設(shè)計(jì)的“智能屋(smart house)”模型,屋頂上裝有太陽(yáng)能板以及風(fēng)力發(fā)電機(jī);顯示在計(jì)算機(jī)屏幕上面的圖片,描述智能屋內(nèi)所有能源控制系統(tǒng)之間的關(guān)聯(lián)。 下圖則是福岡智能屋的組成功能區(qū)塊,需要有許多關(guān)鍵接口標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與技術(shù)的支持,包括電力線通訊、開(kāi)放性網(wǎng)絡(luò)網(wǎng)關(guān)計(jì)畫,以及電動(dòng)車與家用網(wǎng)絡(luò)連結(jié)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)等等(請(qǐng)注意,在圖中電動(dòng)車所扮演的角色就是儲(chǔ)存能源)。


智能家庭的能源使用模式 是福岡智能屋聯(lián)盟成員之一的公司Aval Nagasaki,藉由提供包括智能電力裝置、智能電源模塊以及智能電源管理設(shè)備等產(chǎn)品,扮演了一個(gè)關(guān)鍵角色;該公司經(jīng)理西川(Wataru Nishikawa)在談到福岡智能屋實(shí)地試驗(yàn)的經(jīng)歷時(shí)表示,不同于消費(fèi)者使用一般IT設(shè)備的模式,不同的家庭與個(gè)人在日常生活的能源使用習(xí)慣會(huì)非常不同。 這種在能源使用模式上的差異,會(huì)讓家中的能源/電源管理系統(tǒng)帶來(lái)難以預(yù)期的壓力:“要在現(xiàn)實(shí)世界進(jìn)行管理,難度會(huì)變得更高?!蔽鞔ㄖ赋?。

Aval Nagasaki所提供的智能屋相關(guān)產(chǎn)品qmSesmc

• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器 村田制作所(Murata Manufacturing)以及子公司SyChip Electronic (上海)合作,為智能家庭開(kāi)發(fā)了一個(gè)傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng),支持家庭自動(dòng)化以及能源管理系統(tǒng)(Energy Management System,EMS);該系統(tǒng)搭配了一個(gè)無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器,在村田制作所的攤位上進(jìn)行實(shí)際展示。


這套系統(tǒng)是透過(guò) ZigBee 網(wǎng)關(guān)器來(lái)收集由傳感器所偵測(cè)到的信息,然后將這些信息透過(guò)Wi-Fi或以太網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳送到網(wǎng)際網(wǎng)絡(luò)、平板裝置終端上。該系統(tǒng)結(jié)合了村田制作所的傳感器與通訊技 術(shù),提供一個(gè)包含無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器、ZigBee傳感器節(jié)點(diǎn),以及原創(chuàng)使用者接口的全套解決方案。


• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備 除了太陽(yáng)能與風(fēng)力,一般小溪或是河流的規(guī)律水流也能成為電力來(lái)源;一家日本廠商Star Group展示了一款叫做「Spin Flow」的產(chǎn)品,藉由讓該裝置在流動(dòng)的水中(例如河流、小溪或是農(nóng)業(yè)灌溉渠道)上下擺動(dòng),就可以發(fā)電。 該公司表示,這種 Spin Flow 裝置會(huì)自己漂浮并在水面上轉(zhuǎn)圈,不需要改變水流的方向或是讓水位下降;在每秒流速1.0公尺的水上使用兩個(gè)Spin Flow模塊,能在24小時(shí)內(nèi)產(chǎn)生264Wh的電力,足夠供應(yīng)露營(yíng)、戶外照明燈或是農(nóng)業(yè)用幫浦所需的電力。

Spin Flow水流發(fā)電裝置qmSesmc

• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} NXP的智能照明解決方案 智能照明(smart lighting)是恩智浦半導(dǎo)體(NXP)大力關(guān)注的領(lǐng)域,其目標(biāo)是讓照明設(shè)備能透過(guò)無(wú)線控制器進(jìn)行遙控或是自動(dòng)開(kāi)啟;下圖所顯示的NXP模塊,包含可為智能燈具提供高效益與調(diào)光控制的芯片組。


該 GreenChip模塊還包括一個(gè)超低功率的備用電源控制器,具備10mW無(wú)負(fù)載能力;以及一個(gè)支持IEEE802.15.4標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的整合式RF收發(fā)器與無(wú)線微控制器,Tx/Rx電流低于17mA;還有以開(kāi)放性JenNet-IP連網(wǎng)軟件實(shí)現(xiàn)的低功耗、基于IP的無(wú)線連結(jié)功能。這款模塊能嵌入照明燈泡的底 座。 本文下一頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素 東芝(Toshiba)開(kāi)發(fā)了一款硬件IP “FocusNavi ”,旨在將更多智能功能嵌入汽車中;該硬件IP利用了該公司專有的動(dòng)作偵測(cè)(motion detecting)算法,能藉由在數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)提供“支持向量機(jī)(Support Vector Machine)”,來(lái)判別移動(dòng)的物體是否為人類。下圖中的迷你火車車頭裝置了一個(gè)微型攝影機(jī),當(dāng)火車開(kāi)始跑,攝影機(jī)就會(huì)精準(zhǔn)判別人類與其它物體。


下面圖片內(nèi)的攝影機(jī)所顯示的影像,就是攝影機(jī)實(shí)際所“看到的”;東芝的硬件IP可以整合到任一款A(yù)SIC、FPGA或SoC,以提供上述功能。據(jù)東芝表示,該裝置只會(huì)偵測(cè)需要偵測(cè)的物體;而除了保全攝影機(jī)之外,該FocusNavi IP的最主要應(yīng)用就是車用攝影機(jī)。


• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人 在日本各大電子展會(huì)上,很難不遇到可愛(ài)的機(jī)器人;在這場(chǎng)展會(huì)中也不例外。上圖的機(jī)器人雖然仍是原型(所以看起來(lái)不太可愛(ài)),配備了Microsoft Xbox游戲機(jī)的體感裝置Kinect作為眼睛,設(shè)計(jì)宗旨是能喂身障者吃東西。 這款機(jī)器人能在喂食對(duì)象不須移動(dòng)頭部的前提下,一杓杓地遞送味增湯或是米飯、豆腐到對(duì)方嘴里,而且不會(huì)弄得一團(tuán)糟或是掉落。這套機(jī)器人系統(tǒng)的開(kāi)發(fā)者是來(lái)自日本九州的廠商Core Group。


• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU 日本半導(dǎo)體大廠瑞薩(Renesas)展示了一款針對(duì)混合動(dòng)力/全電動(dòng)車輛所設(shè)計(jì)的新型馬達(dá)控制MCU;以該公司的SH-2A CPU (160MHz)為基礎(chǔ),瑞薩的工程團(tuán)隊(duì)在這款新型SH72AY組件中,整合了R/D轉(zhuǎn)換器與馬達(dá)控制單元(EMU)。

瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU qmSesmc

這款組件的硬件整合,有助于CPU處理卸載,使其適用于混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車所需的高速馬達(dá)控制需求。目前該組件已可提供樣品,瑞薩表示,其它競(jìng)爭(zhēng)廠商如Freescale則是通常將R/D轉(zhuǎn)換器或EMU功能以軟件形式添加在MCU中。 本文下一頁(yè):智能公寓
• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載


{pagination} 智能公寓 Tokyo Gas正在日本橫濱打造一座全新的智能型多住戶單位(multi-dwelling)住宅,估計(jì)在明年可提供公司員工進(jìn)住。這種新式公寓設(shè)置了數(shù)個(gè)該公司 的“Ene Farm”住宅用燃料電池,藉由結(jié)合這些燃料電池以及住戶的電動(dòng)車,可用以儲(chǔ)存“過(guò)?!钡哪茉?包括由屋頂?shù)奶?yáng)能板所收集到的電力),并透過(guò)一種機(jī)制將 這些能源分配給公寓里的住戶。 所以,“智能家庭”這樣的新概念,是不只會(huì)消耗能源、還會(huì)產(chǎn)生能源的新時(shí)代家庭!


• 第1頁(yè):前言• 第2頁(yè):智能屋
• 第3頁(yè):村田制作所的無(wú)線網(wǎng)關(guān)器• 第4頁(yè):新奇的水流發(fā)電設(shè)備
• 第5頁(yè):NXP的智能照明解決方案• 第6頁(yè):嵌入汽車內(nèi)的可視智能元素
• 第7頁(yè):會(huì)喂你吃東西的聰明機(jī)器人• 第8頁(yè):瑞薩的混合動(dòng)力/電動(dòng)車馬達(dá)控制MCU
• 第9頁(yè):智能公寓 
編譯:Judith Cheng 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 參考英文原文: Image gallery: Japan bets on embedded,by Junko Yoshida


{pagination} Image gallery: Japan bets on embedded Junko Yoshida While covering the Embedded Technology 2011 show in Yokohama, I couldn’t help but notice one big shift in the Japanese electronics industry’s agenda since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami: the industry’s collective focus on the “smart home.” While covering the Embedded Technology 2011 show last week in Yokohama, I couldn’t help but notice one big shift in the Japanese electronics industry’s agenda since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami: the industry’s collective focus on the “smart home.” Concepts like the smart house, city or society are no longer a pie-in-the-sky schemes dreamed up by Japanese academics applying for grants. Nor is this something concocted by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MEITI) to promote Japanese industry. Not that academia and MEITI have given up. Far from it. It was clear at the show that technology suppliers are taking the “smart home” idea far more seriously than ever before, with a renewed interest and sense of urgency. They are pursuing embedded technologies that allow people to intelligently “control, conserve, store and distribute energy” within the home or community. Unlike the U.S., where utility-led “smart grid” discussions dominate the conversation, Japan is reframing the debate around designing the “smart home,” observed Masaya Ishida, publisher of EE Times Japan, our sister publication based in Tokyo. While the concept includes the continuous flow of energy from utility companies, a “smart home” in this context could be better described as “energy-independent” or as a “sustainable-energy” home. The idea is to embed the smart “control” functions in every device and every system, enabling consumers to achieve desired levels of energy consumption and conservation for every embedded system they use at home and at work. Further, the notion of the “energy-independent home,” envisions a day when energy conserved can be stored in fuel cells in electric vehicles. Ishida reminded me that many Japanese living in big cities, for example, only drive on weekends, preferring public transportation for the daily commute. This leaves energy stored in the family car – which charges at low-peak hours -- to be intelligently distributed throughout the home to a host of devices during peak hours. Lessons learned over the past summer The rolling blackouts implemented in Japan this summer (due to the catastrophic nuclear power plant failures in Fukushima) taught Japanese companies, factories, retailers and consumers invaluable lessons in “perseverance” (limiting energy usage at peak time, banning neon signs on streets, turning off escalators in public spaces, removing a few fluorescent tubes from light fixtures in offices and stores, running factories on weekends) and a myriad of tricks used to save every milli-watt by manually manipulating power consumption. While the Japanese are all feeling good about having met national ‘energy conservation’ goals this summer, they are girding for the upcoming winter. Energy demands are certain to exceed those experienced in summer. This time around, though, the electronics industry’s new goal is to make energy saving “effortless” for everyone, rather than asking every consumer to “persevere.” The industry sees that the answer may lie in embedded. They want to embed in devices every conceivable smart element – smart energy control, smart energy consumption to efficient energy storage and intelligent energy distribution technologies – at home, at work and in communities. Smart house The Fukuoka Smart House Consortium built a “smart house” complete with solar panels on its roof top and a wind turbine. The mock-up on display here illustrates how it all ties into the energy control system (shown on the computer screen on the photo) built into the house. The diagram below shows all the building blocks for the Fukuoka Smart House, which needs to be supported by key interface standards and technologies, including power line communication, open services gateway initiative, vehicle to home standard and others. (Note the electric vehicle in the diagram – to store energy.) Click on image to enlarge. Energy usage pattern in smart home Aval Nagasaki Corp., one of the many partners of Fukuoka Smart House Consortium, is playing a pivotal role by offering the company’s products such as smart power units, smart power modules and smart power managers. Asked about the lessons it has learned from the field trial of the Fukuoka Smart House, Wataru Nishikawa, manager of Aval Nagasaki, said: “Unlike the way consumers use IT systems, different families and consumers use energy very differently in real life. Such vast variables in their usage patterns can bring unexpected stress to the energy/power management system at home. Things are a lot harder to manage in the real world.” Murata wireless gateway Murata Manufacturing and its subsidiary SyChip Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. have developed a sensor network system for smart homes that supports construction of home automation and Energy Management System (EMS). With a wireless gateway system displayed at its booth, Murata showed off the sensor network system for smart homes. The system gathers information detected by sensors via the ZigBee Gateway, and it transmits this information via Wi-Fi or Ethernet over the Internet or to a tablet terminal. The system combines Murata's sensor and communications technology, offering a package consisting of the wireless Gateway, ZigBee sensor nodes and an original user interface. Spin Flow Beyond sun and wind, regular water flow in a stream or river can become the source for generating power. Star Group of Japan demonstrated a product called “Spin Flow.” By bobbing the Spin Flow unit on flowing water – rivers, streams, water that’s used for agricultural fields – power can be generated, according to the company. The Spin Flow floats on its own and circulates on the water’s surface by itself. There is no need to change either the directions of water flow, nor does it require falling water. When two Spin Flow modules are used on water running at a speed of 1.0 meter per second, the device can generate 264Wh in 24 hours, enough for camping, lighting the outdoor lamps or running agricultural pumps, the company claims. NXP smart lighting NXP is betting big on smart lighting. The goal of smart lighting is to allow lights to be activated remotely and automatically via wireless controllers. A module shown in this photo includes chip sets that offer highly efficient and dimmable drivers for smart lamps, according NXP. Features included in the GreenChip module are an ultra-low power standby supply controller with 10 mW no-load capability; an IEEE802.15.4 standard-compatible integrated RF transceiver and wireless microcontroller with a Tx/Rx current below 17 mA; and low-power, IP-based wireless connectivity enabled by the open source JenNet-IP networking software. The module fits right into the light bulb socket. Embedding visual smarts in a car Toshiba has developed hardware-based IP called “FocusNavi IP.” Designed to embed more smarts into cars, Toshiba leverages its proprietary motion detecting algorithm. The hardware IP can determine, for example, whether moving objects are human beings, by applying the “Support Vector Machine” to the database. A tiny camera is installed in the first car of the miniature train in the photo below. While the train is running, the camera accurately discriminates between humans and other objects. The second picture below is a monitor showing what the camera is actually “seeing.” The hardware IP can be dropped into any ASIC, FPGA or SoC to enable the feature. It then detects only the objects the system needs to detect, according to Toshiba. Beyond surveillance cameras, Toshiba’s FocusNavi IP’s most obvious applications are in cameras used in vehicles. Smart robot feeds you food One can’t walk around any Japanese electronics shows without bumping into warm and fuzzy robots. Here’s one. Although still a prototype (and nowhere near cuddly yet), this robot, equipped with eyes of Microsoft Kinect Xbox, is designed to help feed a handicapped person. It can feed “miso” soup without forcing a person to move his head or feed a spoonful of cooked rice or tofu right into one’s mouth without mashing or dropping it. The system was developed by Core Group, which is based in Kyushu, Japan. Renesas mobor control Renesas showed off a new motor control MCU designed for hybrid and non-hybrid electric vehicles. Using the company’s well proven SH-2A CPU (capable of running at up to 160 MHz), the Renesas engineering team has integrated both a resolver to digital (R/D) converter and motor control unit (EMU) inside the new SH72AY. The hardware integration helps offload CPU processing, making the new chip a perfect MPU for high-speed performance control motors demanded by HEVs and EVs. Renesas is sampling it now. Competitors such as Freescale are often running R/D converter or EMU functions in software on their MCUs, explained a Renesas representative. Smart multi-unit dwelling Tokyo Gas is building a new “smart,” multi-dwelling unit in Yokohama. The company’s lucky employees are expected to move in next year. The utility will install several of the company’s “Ene Farm” residential fuel cells in the building. By combining residential fuel cells together with those already used in EVs, the new smart multi-unit dwelling will offer plenty of space to store “l(fā)eft over” energy (and the energy generated by solar cells on the roof top) along with a method for sharing the energy among several families living in the building. The new mantra for new smart homes is the home that not only consumes energy but generates energy.
Junko Yoshida
ASPENCORE全球聯(lián)席總編輯,首席國(guó)際特派記者。曾任把口記者(beat reporter)和EE Times主編的Junko Yoshida現(xiàn)在把更多時(shí)間用來(lái)報(bào)道全球電子行業(yè),尤其關(guān)注中國(guó)。 她的關(guān)注重點(diǎn)一直是新興技術(shù)和商業(yè)模式,新一代消費(fèi)電子產(chǎn)品往往誕生于此。 她現(xiàn)在正在增加對(duì)中國(guó)半導(dǎo)體制造商的報(bào)道,撰寫關(guān)于晶圓廠和無(wú)晶圓廠制造商的規(guī)劃。 此外,她還為EE Times的Designlines欄目提供汽車、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)和無(wú)線/網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)相關(guān)內(nèi)容。 自1990年以來(lái),她一直在為EE Times提供內(nèi)容。
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