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根據(jù)市場研究公司IHS iSuppli,在過去幾個星期在泰國的大面積洪水泛濫,可能導(dǎo)致硬盤驅(qū)動器(HDD)在第四季度到2012年發(fā)生全球范圍內(nèi)的供應(yīng)短缺。


IHS公司在泰國水災(zāi)之前的預(yù)測是,第四季度硬盤驅(qū)動器產(chǎn)量為176.2萬個,占2011年總產(chǎn)量的25.9%。 IHS公司表示,他們可能會調(diào)低其第四季度的產(chǎn)量預(yù)測,以降級災(zāi)害的影響。 IHS稱,世界上25%的硬盤是在泰國組裝的。 IHS表示,西部數(shù)據(jù)(WD)和東芝已暫時停止在泰國的硬盤生產(chǎn),此舉影響了全球硬盤驅(qū)動器制造。這兩家公司在曼谷附近的巴吞他尼?。≒athum Thani)有硬盤組裝工廠。 WD在數(shù)量上是世界上最大的硬盤制造商,在泰國有37000名工人,在該國的產(chǎn)量占公司的總產(chǎn)量的60%。WD在第二季度生產(chǎn)了5380萬個硬盤驅(qū)動器,占全球市場的32%。 東芝在泰國雇用了約3,900工人,公司約50%的硬盤制造產(chǎn)能在泰國內(nèi)。在第二季度,東芝是位居第4的硬盤驅(qū)動器供應(yīng)商,出貨量17.8萬片,市場份額為10.6%。 排名第二的硬盤供應(yīng)商希??捷在泰國Teparuk有磁頭和磁頭萬向節(jié)裝配 (HGA)工廠。該公司還在泰國 Korat有滑塊,磁頭組件和HGA的工廠。然而,兩個地方都在遭受洪災(zāi)。 IHS表示,在過去兩個月中,洪水席卷泰國,導(dǎo)致了硬盤的一個關(guān)鍵組件:馬達(dá)供貨受影響。日本電產(chǎn)公司供應(yīng)全球超過70%的機(jī)電馬達(dá),全球幾乎所有主要硬盤制造商的馬達(dá)都來自他,包括WDC,希捷,日立,東芝和三星。日本電產(chǎn)在泰國有兩家子公司:電產(chǎn)電子(Nidec Electronics)和電產(chǎn)精密(Nidec Precision),位于泰國西北的大城府(Ayutthaya)。 由于洪水和電力的損耗,制造商Hutchinson Technology也暫停其在大城府的硬盤組裝廠。Hutchins說,它計劃增加其在美國的組裝業(yè)務(wù)產(chǎn)量,并將使用現(xiàn)有的庫存,以滿足客戶的需求。 編譯:Luffy Liu 本文授權(quán)編譯自EE Times,版權(quán)所有,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載 參考英文原文:Thai flooding could disrupt supply of HDDs,by Dylan McGrath

LSI TrueStore存儲IC技術(shù)助力單盤容量達(dá)1TB的硬盤驅(qū)動器

{pagination} Thai flooding could disrupt supply of HDDs Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—The massive flooding in Thailand over the past few weeks could potentially lead to a shortage of hard disk drive (HDD) supplies in the fourth quarter and into 2012, according to market research firm IHS iSuppli. IHS' forecast, developed before the Thai floods, calls for production of 176.2 million hard drives during the fourth quarter, representing 25.9 percent of annual manufacturing in 2011. IHS said it woul likely downgrade its fourth-quarter production forecast in light of the impact of the disaster. According to IHS, 25 percent of the world's HDDs are assembled in Thailand. Western Digital Corp. (WD) and Toshiba Corp. have temporarily halted production of HDDs in Thailand, impacting a major portion of global hard drive manufacturing, IHS said. The companies operate HDD assembly facilities in Pathum Thani province near Bangkok. WD, the world’s largest HDD manufacturer in terms of volume, has 37,000 workers in Thailand, and production in the country accounts for 60 percent of the company’s total capacity, IHS said. WDC in the second quarter made 53.8 million HDDs, giving it a 32 percent share of the global market, according to IHS. Toshiba employs about 3,900 workers in Thailand, and approximately 50 percent of the company’s manufacturing capacity is in the country, according to IHS. In the second quarter, Toshiba was the No. 4-ranked HDD supplier, with 17.8 million units and a 10.6 percent share, according to IHS. No. 2 HDD supplier Seagate has a head stack and head gimbal assembly (HGA) facility in Teparuk, Thailand, IHS said. The company also conducts slider, head assembly and HGA operations in Korat, Thailand. However, both facilities have remained operational following the disaster. The floods, which have swept the country in the last two months, may have affected operations for the supplier of a key HDD component—the motor, IHS said. Nidec Corp. supplies more than 70 percent of all global HDD motors, and all the major HDD manufacturers—including WDC, Seagate, Hitachi GST, Toshiba and Samsung—source motors from the company, according to IHS. Nidec has two subsidiaries in the Thailand: Nidec Electronics and Nidec Precision, both located in Ayutthaya, northwest Thailand. Hard disk drive suspension assembly maker Hutchinson Technology also temporarily suspended operations at its facilities in Ayutthaya due to the flooding and a loss of power. Hutchins said it plans to increase production output at its U.S. assembly operations and will use existing inventory to meet customer demand, IHS said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美國版執(zhí)行編輯。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的執(zhí)行編輯。 Dylan在電子和半導(dǎo)體行業(yè)擁有20多年的報道經(jīng)驗(yàn),專注于消費(fèi)電子、晶圓代工、EDA、可編程邏輯、存儲器和其他專業(yè)領(lǐng)域。
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